chapter four

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Lailah's POV

I was fidgeting my fingers as I paced around the room. "You're scaring me, Lai. Can you please come and sit?"

I nod and walk over, sitting on the bed. "Sorry. I just can't stop thinking about who that could've been. Or how they got my number."

"It was probably just some skinny troll who has too much computer equipment for their own good." He rubs my back.

I sighed. "Maybe. But they intentionally called me. Twice. They know who I am. What if they try to do something else?"

"Then they'll have to deal with me. The idiot would have to be stupid to mess with you with me around."

"Yeah, but-" He put a finger to my lips. "But," he started, "You have the best person alive by your side and you're not going to worry."

I chuckled and hug him. "I seriously appreciate you. Thanks for being here for me, Cee. I love you." He kisses my forehead. "Love you too, Lai."

"Now, come here. Let's take your mind off the freak." We get under the covers and re-start the movie.

Forty minutes into the movie, Cade fell asleep. I laugh softly and turn my attention back to the movie. As the credits come on screen half an hour later, I yawn. I pick up my phone to see if the person had called back. Good, they haven't. I notice that it's 1:47 pm. I sigh and grab my shoes. Since it's still early in the day, I decide to get something to eat and go for a walk. I grab my phone and walk on my toes, careful to not wake Cade. I slowly turn the knob and pull it open inch by inch since the door hinges squeak, and step one foot out the frame at a time before slowly closing the door behind me. Once I fixed my posture, I roll my shoulders, getting the kink out of them and started stalking down the hall.

I leave the building and walk to the local cafe a few minutes away. The bell above the door rang when I walked in and I continue towards the back of the line. I look at the menu posters hung above the walls. My eyes somehow kept darting back to the cherry bearclaw. There were three more people ahead of me, so I stare at the floor, tapping my foot against it as I wait for the line to move. A girl had just grabbed her coffee and left the line. Two more down.

I jump when I feel someone tap my shoulder. It's just Devon. "Oh. Hey."

I mentally slap myself. 'Oh. Hey.' Really, Lailah? Nice, real nice. And now he's looking at me like I've lost it. Great.

"You okay?"

I nodded. "Sorry. It's nothing." I clear my throat. "So, I know this is probably incredibly inappropriate of me to ask, considering, but how are you doing?"

He shrugged. "Been keeping myself busy." I look down at my feet. "Hey. Don't worry about it. I'll live."

"I know it probably doesn't mean anything, but I really am sorry for what I did."

He lifts my chin and looks into my eyes. I don't know why, but I feel vulnerable in his grasp. "I'm past it. Really, I'm okay. You were right anyway. I like you, but we should get to know each other better."

"Really?" He nodded.

"Really. Besides," he started, "I can't just let my partner fail, now can I?"

"I totally forgot about that."

"Well, we have three days to work on it before turning it in, so we have plenty of time."

"True. Plus, we already went over the material. So, all that's really left is coming up with an experiment."

"Right." He looks up. "I think it's your turn."

I turn around, and surely enough, the last two people were gone. I walk towards the cashier and give her my order. "A cherry bearclaw and caramel macchiato, please."

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