chapter fourteen

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TW - this chapter contains sexual assault.

Lailah's POV

I feel a tight squeeze around my abdomen. I open my eyes and look down. I sigh, looking down at Devon's arms.

It wasn't a nightmare.

I notice darkness emitting from the window. I whimper when I feel his lips on my neck.

"Stop it. Get off."

"I can do whatever I want. You're mine, and are also carrying my baby."

"Excuse you? I didn't just lay there like a fucking starfish, Devon. This is my baby, too. And quit saying that I'm yours. I'm not your property."

"But, you are. You belong to me."

"No, I don't, and nothing that you do or say will change that."

He applies pressure to my stomach and forces my body around so that I'm now facing him.

"I know you don't mean that. Just admit it. The sooner that you're honest about your feelings, the sooner we can finally be happy. All you have to do is say those three little words."

"But, I'm not happy. Just take me home."

"You are home. This is your home now, and will soon be our baby's home. Get used to it."

"Can I at least go to the bathroom?"

"Fine." He releases my waist. "Don't try anything."

I get out the bed and open the door. I step into the hallway and go across the hall to the bathroom. I open the door and walk inside, shutting the door.

I groan when I notice there isn't a lock. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I mutter under my breath.

I walk over to the toilet and stand on it.

I try prying the window open, but it's locked shut. I play with the latches, but to no avail.

I hear a knock on the door. "Hurry up in there."

My heart races. "Just a minute." I use my fingers to put force on the latches, but nothing's working. It's like he put gorilla glue on it or something.


"Coming." I continue to pry the window open.

"Open the door right now, or I'm coming in."

I put more force on my thumbs, desperate for it to open. "What the hell are you doing?"


I turn around and see Devon standing in front of the sink. "Uhhh..."

Before I can even say a word, he yanks my body from the toilet. "Hey! Put me down!" I smack his arms.

"Stop that." He leads us into the bedroom and tosses me on the bed. He lowers himself to the floor. Moments later, he walks over to me and shoves my chest against the pillows. "Hey!"

"Be quiet." He ties my wrist with a shoelace.

"Ow! That hurts."

"Too bad." He tightly ties my other wrist. "I can't trust you anymore, so this is what it's come to."

"Let me out!" I wiggle my wrists, struggling to break free.


"I don't know what you think you're going to succeed. The police are going to find us."

He laughs darkly. "No, they won't. We're far out in the middle of nowhere."

"Do you really think that people aren't going to come looking for us?"

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