𝟏↬❛ It's destined to be me who overcome dangers for you ❜

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 1: It's destined to be me who overcome dangers for you

As the first rays of light emerge from behind the horizon, the sun begins its majestic ascent, casting a warm glow across the land

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As the first rays of light emerge from behind the horizon, the sun begins its majestic ascent, casting a warm glow across the land. Gradually, its radiance spreads across the entire earth, illuminating every nook and cranny with its purifying brilliance. The sweet sound of birdsong fills the air, as the feathered creatures awaken to a new day, their melodies blending harmoniously with the serene ambience.

The rhythmic melody of the waves, gently caressing the shore, orchestrates a symphony of tranquility, enveloping the surroundings in a serene atmosphere.

"I don't know how I ended up here or why I am here. All I know is that I must survive, no matter what it takes. Only then is there hope... hope for my return," Lin Chao Xing whispers in the vast expanse of her mind as she stands on the deck of the ship. With determination etched in her gaze, she peers into the crystalline depths below, seeking solace and a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty of the ocean's expanse.

Her long, dense black hair billowed lightly in the breeze, framing her face like a veil. Her ocean blue eyes, as clear as crystals, sparkled under the sun's radiant light.

Suddenly, a strange disturbance catches her attention - a peculiar boil in the water, accompanied by dark figures emerging from beneath the surface. The air grows heavy with a putrid odor, nearly unbearable.

"Here it comes", a smirk crept across Lin Chao Xing's face.

Several dark figures emerge from the water, encircling the ship, and drag it downwards. Suddenly, a powerful force erupts, propelling the ship upward with an ear-splitting "bang."

Wooden planks hurl in every direction by the explosive blast, and Lin Chao Xing finds herself standing precariously on one such piece of wood.

The wind whips through her hair, and the salty spray of the sea stings her face as she surveys the vast expanse of ocean before her. Despite the chaos surrounding her, she remains remarkably composed.

"You came here alone," out of nowhere, a deep, ominous voice reverberates through the waves, accompanied by a menacing laugh that sends shivers down her spine.

"Do you truly believe you can escape alive?" the voice booms, each word enunciated slowly and deliberately.

Lin Chao Xing stood unfazed, her expression unchanged, her long black hair billowing freely in the wind as she calmly replied, "Don't overestimate yourself."

With a swift motion, she leaped into the air, her hands forming a precise formation as a sudden burst of red light emanated from her fingertips, dispersing in all directions. The crimson glow enveloped the entire sea, accompanied by a resounding "bang, bang, bang!" as it obliterated everything in its path.

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