𝟑↬❛ Revive the scenery once desolated in your eyes ❜

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 3: Revive the scenery once desolated in your eyes.

As the blanket of night slowly descends upon the horizon, the small village finds itself enveloped by dense clouds, shrouding it in darkness

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As the blanket of night slowly descends upon the horizon, the small village finds itself enveloped by dense clouds, shrouding it in darkness.

Lin Chao Xing and Liu Xi Wang make their way back to the inn where they are staying. The inn has been specially booked for them as a token of gratitude by the villagers for their assistance.

Upon entering, they are greeted by the sweet scent of various flowers, each one adding its own unique fragrance to the air. The inn's ambiance is serene and welcoming, with a pond filled with blue lotus flowers nestled in the garden beside the hallway. Soft candlelight flickers around the pond, casting a gentle glow that illuminates the surroundings with a tranquil warmth.

"Goodnight then," Xing Xing whispers as she retreats into her room and gently closes the door.

A faint smile graces Liu Xi Wang's features as he makes his way back to his own quarters.

However, as he walks, his gaze drifts to the crescent moon, partially veiled by drifting clouds, casting a serene glow upon the night sky.

Intrigued, Liu Xi Wang finds himself drawn to the garden, where he stands in silence, his eyes fixed upon the moon. Suddenly, a solemn expression crosses his face.

Without hesitation, the pitch-black plum blossom mark materializes on his forehead, and his eyes turn obsidian black. Simultaneously, his pitch-black sword materializes, ready to answer the call of danger.

"Show yourself!" he demanded, his voice echoing through the stillness of the night.

His black sword soars toward the lotus pond, slicing through the air with deadly intent. Yet, before it can reach its target, it encounters an invisible barrier, abruptly halting its progress.

A blinding light envelops the pond, revealing a massive, cloud-like figure with a noxious odor that permeates the air.

"This sword... how can you possess it?" the deep, echoing voice of the water demon reverberates through the silent surroundings. "Where is its counterpart?" it demands.

"That doesn't concern you," Liu Xi Wang retorts, his resolve evident as he leaps into the air, hovering nearly three feet above the ground, level with the looming form of the demon.

His sword expands in size, slicing through the water demon and cleaving it into two halves. With a graceful landing, Liu Xi Wang stands, his plain blue robe billowing lightly in the breeze.

But to his astonishment, the two halves of the water demon swiftly rejoin, transforming into the shape of a man. The man's face is obscured by a veil, his silver hair flowing calmly in the air as his dark eyes lock onto Liu Xi Wang's.

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