𝟐↬❛ The seemingly random paths and trace of burning all hides secrets ❜

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 2: The seemingly random paths and traces of burning all hides secrets.

As the waves crash against the shore, Lin Chao Xing and Liu Xi Wang stand firm, their eyes scanning the horizon with unwavering determination, while the villagers huddle close, their expressions etched with apprehension, each heartbeat echoing the...

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As the waves crash against the shore, Lin Chao Xing and Liu Xi Wang stand firm, their eyes scanning the horizon with unwavering determination, while the villagers huddle close, their expressions etched with apprehension, each heartbeat echoing the tense atmosphere.

In the distance, the figures of Xiu Ming and Xiang Yuan emerge, prompting a collective tightening of hearts among the onlookers.
Each person's chest constricts with worry, their breath catching in their throats as they watch.

The atmosphere grows heavier, casting a somber pall over the scene. Faces once animated with hope now droop with concern, shadows of anxiety etched across their features, as if a dark cloud has descended upon them, weighing down their spirits.

As Xiu Ming and Xiang Yuan approach the shore, the absence of any immediate sign of the demon dashes the hopes of the gathered crowd. Disappointment hangs heavy in the air, etched on every face.

Yet, a glimmer of hope sparks as Xiu Ming summons forth a brilliant light with a simple gesture, revealing the water demon ensnared in the net, now flung onto the shore.

The sudden appearance of the demon invokes a mix of fear and determination in the villagers, as they brace themselves for what is to come next.

Suddenly the water demon undergoes a startling transformation, leaving everyone present in stunned silence.

Its upper body morphs into a feminine form, while its lower half becomes a sleek fish tail adorned with glistening gills. The creature's crystalline body radiates an eerie glow, accentuating its menacing appearance as it hisses, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth.

As the unsettling scene unfolds, Liu Xi Wang's gaze meets Lin Chao Xing's amidst the gathering tension. In that silent exchange, a profound understanding passes between them. It's a moment where words become unnecessary, their connection transcending verbal communication. In the face of adversity, their shared understanding and solidarity speak volumes.

With a commanding presence, Liu Xi Wang takes a step forward, his hands folded behind his back, and delivers his revelation with unwavering resolve.

"The water demons plaguing our sailors, draining them of life, are not acting of their own accord," he announces, his voice echoing across the shore, sending shivers down the spines of the gathered villagers.

"They are but instruments, manipulated by a darker force."

A wave of fear sweeps through the crowd, faces pale and eyes wide with dread. Yet, before panic can take hold, Xiu Ming intervenes with reassurance. "Fear not," he proclaims, casting a determined gaze towards the subdued demon lying on the ground, its hisses punctuating the heavy silence. "We have apprehended the mastermind responsible for this torment."

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