𝟕↬❛ Running water is dim, memories are cold and warm ❜

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 7: Running water is dim, memories are cold and warm

Destined: to meet youChapter 7: Running water is dim, memories are cold and warm≿━━━━༺❀༻━━━━≾

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[ System:- Danger! Host be careful ]

Notification ends!

Notification 2!

[ System:- Danger within 100 meters. Host, please be careful.]

Notification ends!

Notification 3!

[ System:- Danger in less than 50 meters. Please be careful.]

Notification ends!

Lin Chao Xing's eyes snap open as a splitting pain engulfs her head. "This damn system!" she curses, feeling a sense of foreboding. Glancing beside her, the person she expects is nowhere to be found. "Where is he?" she mutters, attempting to rise, only to be halted by an unseen force.

Examining the ground, she discoveres ominous traces of blood. A sinking feeling settles as she realis something terrible has transpired.

Lin Chao Xing closes her eyes, a crimson-red plum blossom mark materialized on her forehead. Her eyes turned red, and a blood-red sword materialized before her.

Without hesitation, she slashed her palm, letting blood drip onto the invisible barrier.


She exclaimed, and her sword moved with a chilling purpose, slashing the barrier with a deafening boom. The unleashed horror lingered, echoing the gruesome events that had unfolded.

As Lin Chao Xing steps beyond the shattered barrier, a horrific resonance fills the air, accompanied by an unsettling, unknown melody that claws at her senses. Her pace quickens, the urgency mirrored in her racing thoughts as she tries to fathom the ominous events.

Liu Xi Wang's blood-woven barrier, a formidable defense against intrusion, speaks volumes of the malevolence that unfolds. The eerie silence within the protective cocoon hints at unspeakable horrors, an unsettling void that swallows sound and light alike. If the system did not wake her up with its notification, she would still be asleep under Liu Xi Wang's barrier.

The absence of Xiu Ming and Xiang Yun, still unaccounted for, intensifies the ominous atmosphere. Lin Chao Xing navigates the twisting path, her senses on high alert. Suddenly, her eyes fixate on a nightmarish tableau that sends shivers down her spine, a silent scream building in the tense air. The horrific revelation hints at darkness that surpasses imagination, leaving her entangled in a web of dread and uncertainty.

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