𝟏𝟎↬❛ Standing in front of fate that has passed ❜

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Destined : to meet you
Chapter 10: Standing in front of fate that has passed

As evening descends upon Chang'An, its bustling streets gradually surrender to tranquility, bathed in the last golden rays of the sun

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As evening descends upon Chang'An, its bustling streets gradually surrender to tranquility, bathed in the last golden rays of the sun.

Against the painted sky, pagodas stand tall, their intricate rooftops merging with the horizon, creating a mesmerizing silhouette. Lanterns ignite, casting a warm glow upon cobblestone pathways, while distant melodies of traditional music add to the enchanting ambiance.

Amidst this serene setting, Minister Zhang's house shimmers with exquisite beauty, adorned with vibrant decorations that dance in harmony with the laughter of guests, each elegantly attired in resplendent garments.

In this picturesque scene, Lin Chao Xing emerges from her chamber, draped in a "Moonlit Midnight Blue" hanfu that epitomizes ethereal grace. Delicate lotus flowers, embroidered in shimmering silver thread, adorn her attire, seemingly brought to life with every movement, casting enchanting shadows that mirror her elegance. As she enters the hall, all eyes turn towards her, captivated by her presence.

In the midst of the crowd, Lin Chao Xing feels a gentle tap on her shoulder, drawing her attention. She turns to meet the gaze of Liu Xi Wang, his eyes as dark as the night itself.

A soft smile graces her lips at the sight of him, his presence commanding attention as he emerges in a hanfu of "Midnight Black," exuding confidence and sophistication with every step.

As they exchange a knowing glance, the air between them crackles with unspoken understanding, adding a layer of intrigue to the already enchanting atmosphere.

Lin Chao Xing looks at him, her eyes sparkling with warmth.

"Where is Xiang Yun and Xiu Ming? They told me they would come with you," Lin Chao Xing asks, her curiosity laced with anticipation.

"Xiang Yun said she had something to discuss with him, so they will be here after some time," Liu Xi Wang replies, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Oh," she responds understandingly, her voice a melodious harmony in the air, perfectly complementing the enchanting beauty of the evening and the splendor of Minister Zhang's exquisite banquet.

As they converse, a small figure emerges from the crowd and wraps tiny arms around Lin Chao Xing's waist. Lin Chao Xing lowers her gaze and meets an adorable smile, two broken teeth visible as the child beams up at her with innocent delight.

Lin Chao Xing gracefully descends to a kneeling position in front of Zhang Weiwei, her smile radiating warmth as she gently pats Weiwei's extremely long hair, marveling at its silky texture and the child's endearing presence amidst the grandeur of the banquet.

"Thank you, Elder Sister, for joining Weiwei's celebration," Zhang Weiwei says, her voice sweet and filled with gratitude.

"Weiwei invited me; how could I have not come," Lin Chao Xing replies, her tone respectful yet affectionate.

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