𝟓↬❛ Take a willingness to lose, to exchange for my other half ❜

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 5: Take a willingness to lose, to exchange for my other half

The air hangs heavy with an unsettling quiet, the cool breeze stirring shadows that seem to whisper secrets too dark to comprehend

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The air hangs heavy with an unsettling quiet, the cool breeze stirring shadows that seem to whisper secrets too dark to comprehend. Above, the stars twinkle like distant eyes watching from the void, while the silver moon bathes the twisted trees in an eerie glow, casting their shadows like spectral fingers upon the earth.

Inside the room, the warm light of lamps and candles flickers, their wavering glow painting the walls in shifting patterns of light and shadow.

The man's silhouette moves like a phantom, his steps measured and deliberate as he crosses the room to stand before the window, its ancient panes groaning softly as he pushes them open to the night.

As the cold wind sweeps through the room, his grey hair dances in its embrace, and his tired eyes hold a glint of something unspoken as they fix upon the crescent moon hanging in the sky.

"The crescent moon," he murmurs softly, his voice barely more than a whisper, "a silent witness to secrets untold."

In the center of the room, the bright crystal ball rests upon its stand, its surface catching the moon's light and casting strange shadows upon the walls. Suddenly, the crystal glows with a mysterious green light, and a figure materializes within its depths, its features obscured by the shimmering glow.

"Did you find her?" the voice of a woman echoes from the depths of the crystal, its source unknown.

"No, I did not," the man replies, his voice calm yet tinged with uncertainty. "But I found him."

"Are you sure?" the voice presses, a hint of doubt creeping into its tone.

An enigmatic smile plays across the man's lips.

"I am certain," he replies cryptically, his eyes betraying a hidden knowledge.

"Do not worry," he assures the unseen presence within the crystal.

"Now that we have found him, she will not remain hidden for long."

With that, the green light fades, leaving the man alone with his thoughts and the haunting melody of the night. His gaze once again lingers on the moon, its pale light casting a veil of mystery over the world below.

"Master," a voice breaks the silence, and a young apprentice enters the room.

The man turns to face him, his expression unreadable.

"I entrust this task to you," he says, his voice carrying a weight of solemnity.

"Do not disappoint me."

The apprentice nods, his determination shining in the darkness.

"I will not fail you, master," he vows, his voice echoing with the promise of mysteries yet to be unraveled.

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 : 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || [ 𝐎𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 ] Where stories live. Discover now