𝟏𝟑↬❛ Lend me a puff of wind to chase the unsolved dream ❜

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 13: Lend me a puff of wind to chase the unsolved dream

The enveloping darkness wraps around Liu Xi Wang like a shroud, its weight pressing heavily upon his weary frame

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The enveloping darkness wraps around Liu Xi Wang like a shroud, its weight pressing heavily upon his weary frame. As he succumbs to the exhaustion of the day, his eyelids, heavy with fatigue, finally surrender to the call of sleep. Pain, a constant companion, claws at his senses, refusing to relent even in slumber.

And then, in the depths of the night, a shift occurs, subtle yet profound. Suddenly, as if pulled from the clutches of oblivion, he finds himself once more within the hallowed halls of the Zhang Mansion.

Liu Xi Wang's gaze sweeps the surroundings, his confusion mirrored in the depths of his eyes. The air hangs heavy with a palpable sense of foreboding, each shadow dancing with whispered secrets.

"Is this but a dream, woven from the threads of my weary mind?" he muses, his voice barely a whisper against the eerie silence that envelops him. "Yet every detail, every sensation, feels achingly real once more."

Amidst the eerie stillness, chaos erupts anew, shattering the fragile peace like glass. A frenzied urgency grips the mansion's inhabitants, propelling them out into the night's embrace. Lin Chao Xing, swept up in the tide of panicked souls, vanishes into the darkness along with the rest.

Liu Xi Wang's heart quickens with a desperate need to follow her, trying to change everything atleast in his dream. Yet, as if ensnared by invisible chains, his body betrays him, lurching in the opposite direction, a marionette controlled by some unseen force.

Frustration boils within him, a tempest raging against the confines of his own flesh and bone. With each faltering step away from Lin Chao Xing, a pang of helplessness gnaws at his core, a bitter reminder of his powerlessness in the face of fate's cruel whims.

Earlier, Liu Xi Wang had glimpsed an eerie shadow slipping into Wei Wei's room. Concerned for her safety, he ventured forth to ensure all was well.

Little did he realize, this seemingly innocuous act would unfurl the threads of fate. Had he refrained from that impromptu investigation, the burden of blame for deeds uncommitted would not weigh upon him. Nor would he have been privy to the unsettling truths now haunting his every thought.

Perhaps, in that alternate course, Minister Chen would have been spared the clutches of fate's cruel embrace.

Liu Xi Wang gathers his scattered thoughts, endeavoring to anchor himself amidst the unsettling currents of this eerie dream. Yet, despite his efforts to regain focus, the scene he resists, the one he evades and seeks to outrun, unfolds before him once more.

Liu Xi Wang presses his hands firmly against his ears, adamantly refusing to entertain the words destined to follow. He clenches his eyes shut, determined to shield himself from the impending replay of events.

𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 : 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || [ 𝐎𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝 ] Where stories live. Discover now