𝟏𝟕↬❛ Fate is waiting for the sword and knife to write ❜

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 17: Fate is waiting for sword and knife to write

As the night envelops everything in its comforting embrace, Lin Chao Xing finds herself in her room, gazing pensively out of the window

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As the night envelops everything in its comforting embrace, Lin Chao Xing finds herself in her room, gazing pensively out of the window. Her thoughts whirl like leaves caught in a tempest, unable to find purchase amidst the storm of emotions stirred by the evening's revelations.

She lets out a heavy, weary sigh, the weight of uncertainty pressing upon her chest. The sheer magnitude of what she has learned tonight seems to loom over her, casting a shadow that she struggles to navigate.

Knock! Knock!

Suddenly, a hollow rap echoes through the quiet of Lin Chao Xing's room, breaking the fragile solitude she has woven around herself. With a start, she lifts her gaze from the swirling depths of her thoughts, straining to discern the silhouette outlined against the dim light seeping through her door.

She rises from her bed, the floorboards creaking softly beneath her hesitant steps, and approaches the door with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. With a gentle hand, she slides the door open, revealing the figure standing on the threshold.

"Elder Sister," Wei Wei's voice quivers as she addresses Lin Chao Xing, her eyes brimming with tears, a torrent of emotions threatening to spill over.

Lin Chao Xing lowers her gaze, her heart clenching at the sight of Wei Wei's distress. With tender concern etched into her voice, she crouches down to meet Wei Wei's eye level, a comforting presence amidst the storm of tears.

"What happened, Wei Wei? Why are you crying so much?" Lin Chao Xing's words gentle, laced with genuine concern.

"M-m-m-mom," Wei Wei stammers, her words choked by the weight of her emotions, tears cascading down her cheeks like a waterfall threatening to engulf her.

"Sh-he... s-she"

"Wei Wei, calm down," Lin Chao Xing soothes, her touch gentle as she strokes Wei Wei's hair, a comforting gesture amidst the turmoil.

"Elder Sister is here for you. Tell me everything slowly."

Wei Wei takes a shuddering breath, struggling to compose herself.

"Mother... she's changed," she manages to choke out between sobs, her voice trembling with anguish.

"She... she slapped me and... and told me not to tell anyone where she was going."

As Lin Chao Xing listens, a shadow passes over her features, a grim realization dawning in her eyes.

"Don't worry, Wei Wei. We'll find Mrs. Zhang and bring her back safely. Nothing will happen to her, I promise," Lin Chao Xing reassures, her voice tinged with an underlying sense of unease as she tries to quell Wei Wei's fears.

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