𝟏𝟔↬❛ Every meeting is luck, every parting is a sigh ❜

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Destined: to meet you
Chapter 16: Every meeting is luck, every parting is a sigh

"Ten years ago, I held no sway in the court, nor did I possess any notable status. I was but a humble city gate soldier, a mere guardian of the realm's entrance.

Life flowed peacefully, each day a steady rhythm of duty and tranquility. Youth coursed through my veins, rendering the task of gatekeeping effortless, regardless of the weather's whims.

However, fate intervened on a rain-drenched day, etching an indelible mark upon my life's canvas.

As torrents cascaded from the heavens, I stood sentinel at the gate, oblivious to the impending change. Amidst the downpour, a carriage materialized, its arrival a beacon amidst the tempest.

With a sudden halt, it bestowed upon me an unexpected offering-a clock and an umbrella-gifts from an unknown benefactor.

"My lady sends her regards," the messenger conveyed, a simple yet cryptic message hanging in the air.

With hesitant hands, I accepted the tokens, my curiosity piqued by the mysterious gesture. And then, as if orchestrated by the heavens themselves, the carriage's drapes parted, revealing her.

There she was in her carriage, an ethereal presence amidst the storm's fury, a delicate smile adorning her countenance.

"Thank you for your dedication," her words, a balm to my weary soul, resonated deeply within me as she vanished behind the veil once more.

In that fleeting moment, her grace captured my heart, entwining it with threads of admiration and affection.

Driven by a deep longing to unravel the mystery of her identity, I embarked on an impassioned quest, scouring every corner of the city in search of the essence that had captivated me.

After a month of tireless searching, her true self emerged like a radiant dawn, infusing my journey with a renewed sense of purpose and devotion.

Then, I discovered something that...." Minister Zhang's voice wavers, weighted with the burden of memory as he recounts the tale, a poignant testament to the whims of fate and the complexities of love.

"Allow me to continue," Mrs. Zhang utters softly as she approaches, her movements graceful despite the cloth veiling her eyes fluttering in the wind. With measured steps, she settles beside Minister Zhang, a gentle sigh escaping her lips.

"When I first met Minister Zhang, my eyes still retained a flicker of vision, allowing me to discern the outlines of the world around me. But within a month, my illness tightened its grip, snatching away even that last glimmer of light.

My parents, burdened by the looming prospect of my worsening condition, sought to alleviate their worries through marriage proposals.

In their desperation, any suitor, no matter how destitute, seemed a suitable match. Their actions filled me with bitterness and self-loathing, casting a shadow over my already dimming world.

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