Chapter 1

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Izuku did not plan on attending school today, but alas, his extracurricular trip had been cancelled. Once again he was stuck with Katsuki Bakugou, his main tormentor ever since kindergarten. He was hoping that the martial arts club would keep him from needing to attend homeroom. He was finally in his third year of Middle School, and he had been unfortunate enough to have Katsuki in every. Single. Class. For the past three years.

"Alright class," Izuku looks up from his desk, light bags under his eyes from any activities he had done before class. He really wasn't up to listen to whatever his teacher would drone about today. Well, until it was announced.
"You are all in your third year, and it is finally time to think about your future," the boring man continued, holding up a neat stack of cards in his hands. He smirked. "But I know you all want to be heroes!" He slams the papers on his desk. "So let's cut to the chase."

The class was cheering, of course, they all wanted to be heroes! It was every kid's dream job! As always, the class wanted to show off all their quirks. Izuku just sat there, picking on his nasal bandage. He may have reached into a cloud to grab a pencil, but he didn't show off! It wasn't as if the teacher saw amongst the commotion.

"We have been mailed your results from your practice tests last year, and we have high hopes. Take your application sheet and practice hard."
"Don't lump me with these losers, teach," and there it is- Katsuki Bakugou in all his "glory". This guy would gloat so much that he was surprised nobody had gotten tired of it yet. Especially those lackeys who thought they were properly friends with him. Izuku couldn't see how they thought that anymore.

He keeps quiet in the back as the majority of the class starts to argue with the blonde, though it doesn't last long. The aggressive male had created an explosion in the palms of his hand after a minute or so. It was rather loud, and he obviously knows that it would bring him attention.

"Shut it extras!" He growls, his crimson eyes silencing anybody who looked at him the wrong way. He dragged his feet back to the floor from its footrest, also known as his school desk. He didn't seem all too bothered by the sneaky looks sent his way.
"We all know that I am the only one who will get into a hero school," His confident voice echoes throughout the classroom. Izuku let out a small sigh. He was so glad his Mum made him cut off their friendship when he was still sure he was quirkless. He didn't want to stay in the mindset that he meant something to his childhood friend. Even if he did get his quirk at the right age, it was still rather bad compared to others. His clouds became far too watery at times, and it was hard to store things when that did happen. He still couldn't put in enough volume or density to be able to sit on it.

"And Deku," Izuku raises a brow, looking over at his former friend. He hummed, looking up from his schoolbag he had taken interest in. "Don't even think about applying to a hero course," he warns. "I do not want to see the face of a dumb, cloud quirked dumbass ever again," yeah... he was expecting that to be honest.
Izuku sighed.
"Kacchan, can we please get back to the lesson?" he frowned, biting his lip slightly after he said that. The blonde glared at him, making the smaller shiver slightly as their teacher wandered around. The career forms were being handed out.
Today would be unbearable.

Izuku couldn't say he fancies being caught in a villain attack, but he couldn't choose what happened, so he'd just need to deal with it.
He continues his routine home from school as normal, taking a shortcut through a small tunnel under train tracks. His bright yellow bag was slung across his shoulder, littered with little cloud charms as always, so if it was ever lost it was obviously his. When he had heard a drop of liquid hit one of the charms, he was quite suspicious.
When a villain had burst out of seemingly nowhere, he knew why.
His first instinct is to throw his bag out the way and then grab out his bo staff. He was so lucky, he brought his foldable one today.

He pulls it from his bag's side pocket, unfolding it like it was second nature, and immediately goes for a strike at the only solid part of the villain before it finishes its dramatic monologue. Why did villains always feel the need to talk for five minutes first? He hopes quirk nausea won't hit him now! It always set him back!

Spinning the staff in his hand, he flinches out of the way as the villain attempts to strike once more. The metal of the staff throws him off, with it slipping through his hands, unlike the proper wooden staff. He just barely gets out of the way, and barely had much time to strike again. It was falling out of his hands from all the slime. He gulped, resorting to doing a roundhouse kick to the eye- which he'd probably feel even more than the weapon, anyway.

He shrieks as the villain took the chance to take hold of his other leg, pulling him forward slightly as the slime inched closer. What was it trying to do? Oh, god. The next thing he knew, it got hard to breathe, and it was now obvious what the villain was trying to do to him.

He was trying to take control of his body.

He didn't have too much time to think about it when he was suddenly pulled right out of the situation. He coughed and spluttered, windpipes fighting off all the horrible water that got into his system. His sight was full of black spots before, and now they were finally disappearing.

Holy shoot.

His eyes go wide as he looked up at his saviour.


To Be More Like Me, and Be Less Like You! (Quirked Deku)Where stories live. Discover now