Chapter 6

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Izuku cusses under his breath, hurriedly running through the halls of Yuuei in a panic. He didn't wake up to his alarms! He was sure five would work this time—he had to be woken up by his mother ten minutes before his train left!

Izuku has no idea where his class is, having not been given a map to navigate this place. He only finds it by chance, the faint sounds of explosions drawing him near. He knows Katsuki passed, and unfortunately they ended up in the same class this year...again.

"I'm here!" He gasps out, leaning on the door frame with a shaky grin. It took only a glance to realise their Sensei had yet to arrive, even with the bell soon about to ring. Practically everybody already arrived, and they were just waiting for him, it seems. He now knows all the faces in his class, though.

"Midoriya!" Izuku stumbles in, running a hand through his far-too-messy hair. It was everywhere at this point, he hadn't bothered to comb it too well after all. "You're almost late!" Iida sighs from his desk, yelling over the noise of the class. "Take your seat, our Sensei must be arriving soon."

Izuku sends him a smile and skips over to where his seat would be- right next to the window behind Katsuki... of course, he's near Katsuki again. Just his luck! He frowns, plopping down on his seat just in time for the class to quiet down. Their sensei arrived, he assumed.

"If you're here to socialise, drop out now," a deep, tired voice demands from the front of the class. "This is the hero course," Izuku looks up, catching sight of a tall man, hair dropping in front of his face as he spoke. He wore a black outfit with some sort of grey scarf and supply belt.

"I am your teacher, Shouta Aizawa," he explains. "You will address me as "Aizawa Sensei" or "Sensei" throughout the time you last through my teaching," Izuku raises a brow. That sounds... ominous. Did people not usually last through his teaching? He looks like a hard-ass, but Izuku doubts it. Probably just a softie at heart.

"Now," Aizawa Sensei starts, reaching down below the podium. "You will take your uniforms and meet me at the pitch. You have five minutes," he slams a few sets of what Izuku assumes are sports uniforms down on the podium table.

Izuku gulps, hopping up and taking his as his Sensei leaves, assumedly down to the pitch like he said. It didn't take long to find the one with his name taped on, or to run down to where he remembered the change rooms for first year were put. He had thankfully passed the rooms on his way to class.

"I wonder what we'll be doing," a blonde thinks out loud, wandering into the perimeter lazily. "Shouldn't we be doing orientation? We're supposed to, usually," Izuku glances over and shrugs.
"Well, Yuuei is a school known for not following typical practices. Maybe we are doing a fitness test of some sort? We are the hero course after all!" He provides, earning an interested look from the pondering teen.

Izuku pulls off his shirt, replacing it with the other he was provided.
"We should speed up, we don't know if Aizawa Sensei is strict or not yet," He quickly changes into the matching pants and skips outside, navigating his way through the building as he starts on his journey to the fitness field.

"You're early." The black-haired hero states, looking down at the green-haired boy, if he could be called that. Half of his hair was white or light blue by now, from the roots and even highlights and the tips of his hair. But that was not relevant at the moment!

It took a minute or so for the rest of the class to arrive, seemingly have taken their time to get there. Or maybe they got lost. It doesn't matter, really. Though, they weren't the only class to arrive, it seems. Faces definitely appear that weren't in their class before, and not to mention the amount of students!

To Be More Like Me, and Be Less Like You! (Quirked Deku)Where stories live. Discover now