Chapter 8

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"Almost late again, Midoriya!" Iida barks as Izuku stumbles into class. Izuku gasps, leaning onto the door frame as he did so. "You must set your alarm earlier if this becomes a habit!" Izuku just laughs.
"My train has been late, I'm sorry!" He slowly walks over to his seat, right behind Katsuki and right next to the window. "I'll try to catch the early one if I can, so I have more time to walk!"

Izuku plops down on his seat, sighing in relief as he finally gets to sit down. His side aches from the battle the previous day, but he can't say it hurts anymore. It's mostly aching from the fast healing and all the movement from his trip to school, or at least that's what he assumes it is. He can't bring himself to go to the nurse, though, to get checked over.

He leans back in his chair, sighing with pleasure as his backs finally get to rest. The class soon quiets down, gradually getting quieter as the clock ticks on. Izuku puts his head on the desk after about a minute, waiting for the clock to hit eight thirty.

"Quiet down, you lot. There's a lot to get through today," a voice breaks through the ruckus, gaining attention reasonably quickly. There, Aizawa Sensei stood up at the podium and glaring down at the class. His bloodshot eyes bore into his student's head, waiting as they settle down. "We will be going over battle trials, today, and you lot, as a class, will be making a decision that is crucial to how you come out as heroes...if you survive it," Aizawa Sensei glances over at Izuku, making the small teen shudder.

"Alright, firstly, we will be watching clips of the trials and I will be telling you all what should be done and why. I will be taking into account collateral damage, damage to the villain, and of course to your classmates," Katsuki huffs, looking away from the black haired man at the front of the classroom. Izuku gulps, looking down at his desk. "I will be starting with the very start of the rounds, with Iida, Uraraka and their teammates," Izuku frowns.

"Let's brush over Iida and Uraraka quickly," Izuku looks up just in time to see the projector in the classroom display a video. "Due to the fact that this is in fact a simulation, many things that are acceptable here will not be acceptable in the real world." Aizawa Sensei states, clicking on a remote button in his hand as he shuffles to the side. "As an example, was the retrieval of the bomb itself," Izuku looks around for Uraraka, the student's face burning in embarrassment.

"Nobody, in their right mind, would hug the bomb and deem that as a retrieval in the real world. In your second year here, we expect this to be done in a sensible manner, and you will be required to learn how to properly defuse a bomb in case of emergency. We expect all of you to take your training as seriously as possible, especially this year. After this year, your education will be bumped up higher than you'd expect." Aizawa Sensei warns.

"Uraraka, at any other time, take the safest and most mature option out of the many. Proving your skill contributes to your grading more than winning a team match," Aizawa Sensei looks over at Iida. "And Iida, pay more attention to your surroundings. You did, in fact, almost prevent your opponent from using her quirk, but you did not pay attention to how else she could win the match, and didn't seem to look around for either your teammate or Uraraka's teammate. You should be able to split your attention in a proper battle. You have a one-track mind, and you need to fix that. The same goes to many of you."

Iida, from his seat, looks down at his desk ashamed.
"On that topic," Aizawa Sensei directs his attention over to the blonde and multi coloured hair boys closest to the window. "Bakugou, next time I expect communication with your teammate, as well as the skill of multitasking to be present. You did not hesitate to focus on one opponent only, while you could very easily stall them as your team just needed to avoid getting captured, or the opponents from touching the bomb," Katsuki rolls his yes, earning a light glare from Aizawa Sensei. "You're acting like a kid. I know you're able to use the skill you have, but you do need to rely on other people to push yourself forward, whether you believe that or not."

To Be More Like Me, and Be Less Like You! (Quirked Deku)Where stories live. Discover now