Chapter 5

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Izuku thought the exam was going well at this point, with little injuries and quite a few points. By now he had seventeen. It wasn't too much or too little, and there were still four and a half minutes left on the timer. Although many other contestants counted more, he was still rather proud of his number.

In this environment, robots got pummelled left and right. Izuku had to stop himself from staring at the many impressive quirks used in this mock city. He saw a blonde with this impressive laser coming from his stomach—somebody else has this muscle augmentation quirk, and he saw somebody with six arms! He was sure at least one of those people would get in! They look so strong!

He breathes in heavily, forming a cloud under his feet temporarily to propel himself up, right on to the shoulders of a two point robot. He found that the robots individually had different places for their switches. A three point robot had one on it's knee, while another was on its arm. This one had its switch on the back of its head- or what he assumes is its head.

He looks over the perimeter, spotting a student struggling with a few robots.

"Watch out!" He calls, leaping off the robot to tackle the teen down. The group of robots misses their attacks, unable to process the sudden movement in time. "Don't let them process your movement if you're stuck, they're a bit slow depending on points," he explains, pulling the teen out of the way. He darts off, hitting two of the power buttons and leaving the other to take care of the remaining bots. "Good luck!"

He feels sweat drip down his cheek as he twitches, feeling energy spread throughout his body as if he hadn't spent minutes taking down robots he hadn't prepared for.

"Twenty." he states, frowning at his current score. How low was that? He realised after quite a bit that others were counting scores up in the thirties and forties. "Shoot."

All the other contestants were so far ahead of him! He felt as if he was being left in the dust! Was he even doing well? He felt a bit of self-doubt, but he doesn't stop himself from carrying on with the exam, pushing himself as far as he could. Maybe if he looked inside a false building, there would be a few robots lingering?

He yelps as sparks circle around his legs, feeling as it lightly crackles against his skin. What was that? Oh, well, he distracts himself from it as fast as he can. He can't focus on that now, and he knows that. It doesn't bother him as much as he suspected at first, as it looked like it was only a small boost in energy.

"Oh, no," he mumbles, looking through the building disheartened. There was only one robot in there- a three point bot! He would guess that not many people came inside for it to be important to fill up the buildings like they could—unless it was already emptied, and they missed a bot. He took the remaining machine out the moment he walked into the building.

He gulps as he feels the ground rumble beneath him, immediately sprinting out of the building as fast as he can. He was greeted by the sight of groups of teens running away, some screaming, frightened. He takes a moment to glance around, eyesight greeted by a humongous machine slowly walking their way—though it isn't as slow as they would prefer it to be.


An arm slams down on a nearby building; the one he had come from! That's lucky he had left it. He stays put in place, looking around for any other examinees—some are bound to have been caught! ... and he was correct.

A woman was caught under the debris, seemingly unable to move and very nauseous. His eyes widen, running over as fast as he possibly can to where she was to quickly look her over.

"Can you move?" He asks in a speedy pace, earning a shake of her head. He bit his lip, forming clouds under the gaps of the rocks and dirt. He focused on a certain point, expanding the cloud and increasing the density as much as he could.

"Don't walk, you look like you sprained your ankle," looking over all the swelling, it was a good guess. He expands the area, the cloud soon picking the brunette woman up to carry her to a safer place as he stared up at the no point robot.

He glares up at it, ignoring the nausea stirring in his stomach as he leapt, forming smaller clouds under his feet to pull himself up like earlier. His arm starts to swell, and he feels his muscles rapidly inflate as his arm glows a concerning red-orange colour. He had no clue what came over him when he decided to sucker-punch the face of the bot—sending the huge electronic back a few feet.

He hisses, sensations of exhaustion taking over him. He felt like he was going to be sick, his arm hurt, and he doesn't think that he can create another cloud. The one which carried off the brunette had disappeared, he was sure, plopping her down in a safer area.

"Midoriya!" he was embraced in a pair of strong arms, holding him tight as the owner lands from their leap of faith. "You're alright, calm down," he blinked slowly, looking up at the person who caught him... Iida?

There was a loud siren, signalling the practical exam was now over.

"You're safe, the exam has concluded," the teen looks down at his green-haired acquaintance, soon looking up and around as he calls out for the nurse.

And then he passed out.


"Izuku! It's here!" Inko Midoriya calls out, waving a giant letter in her hand. "Your Yuuei results!" Izuku wouldn't say she sounds ecstatic that he got his results, just like when he decided he'd apply for the hero course. Knowing what happened to his uncle Obo, it wasn't the best career path, but he was sure both of them knew the consequences when they decided on their path.

"Thanks, Mum," Izuku grins, taking the letter from his mother gratefully. "Would you like to read the results with me?" he proposes. "I don't want to keep you waiting," that earned a nod with a soft smile from the mother.

'Of course, honey. I hope you did well," Izuku knows she really didn't, but didn't dare say it to her.

Izuku plops down on the couch, ripping his possible acceptance letter open, as Inko glares down at it from next to him. It had some sort of disk-like device within it. He pulls out the device along with the additional paper, which made him assume he did it! It was filled with typical school supplies!

He breathes in heavily, pressing down on the button on the disk. It was a projection?

"Good evening, young Midoriya," The fuzzy face of The Principal greets his vision—he's some sort of animal, having gained a quirk that allowed him to be smarter than humans. If Izuku remembered right, it was called "high specs". " I hope you have a wonderful day," oh, he was starting off nice. He really wants to get to his scores, though.

"I am pleased to inform you that you have passed the written portion of your exam," Izuku bit his lip. "You have scored an exceptional eighty-nine percent! You are in the top fifteen students of this year's entrance exam," yeah, that's nice. Izuku smiles to himself, hearing congratulations from his mother. "You would be able to jump in on many other courses if you wish."

"Now, on to the practical portion," this gains his attention. He barely scraped over twenty points—that's not enough, is it? He gulps. "You have scored a total of twenty-three villain points, unfortunately under enough to qualify for the hero course- as many have scored high in the forties this year," Inko sighs in relief from next to him as he frowns.

"Though—that is not the only way to gain points!" Izuku looked at the hologram, full of hope. Did he actually pass? "You have gained what are called "rescue points", where you gain additional points for saving another contestant, or giving them advice and help," Nezu explains. "You have provided advice to a total of three other contestants, earning you another fifteen points, and helped one of them, earning you another five."

Nezu clears his throat.

"You have also saved a fellow contestant from the robot obstacle and have defeated it with a shocking display of power- sixty-five points!" Izuku gasps, followed by his mother soon after. "You have passed at the top of the charts, with a grand total of one-hundred and eight points! An ideal amount for a future top hero!" Izuku felt vapour release itself from his throat as his eyes watered.

"Welcome, Izuku Midoriya, to your hero academia!"

To Be More Like Me, and Be Less Like You! (Quirked Deku)Where stories live. Discover now