Chapter 9

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"Quirks are a very important thing in this time," a quirk specialist announces at the front of the classroom, scribbling a singular word on the whiteboard. "Quirks today are the very thing this society has started to depend on, with only a small amount of the population lacking the active quirk strand. Quirks are so unpredictable, in fact, even the least useful can create a powerful superpower through their offspring."

Izuku hums, scribbling down a few notes in his schoolbook.

"Quirks can come from anybody in a family, but no quirk is ever the exact same, believe it or not," the man turns to the class. "Who here, has a quirk that is registered as the exact same as a family member's?" He asks. Izuku took a moment to put his hand up, knowing his own was only under the word 'Cloud', just like his uncle's. The man motions for Izuku to speak.

"My quirk is Cloud, the same as my uncle's,"

"Any differences?"

"Well, I was told I have a worse reaction to it," The quirk specialist nods.

"That is possible. Many times have people inherited an almost exact quirk, but are unable to adapt to it as easily as previous family members due to a variety of genetic problems," and the specialist continued. "Who here has aspects from both parent's quirks?" He asks, earning a larger amount of hands to be shot up.

"That is actually the most common way new quirks are created. Parents have a child, and if the child has the correct genes and aspects to their physical appearance, such as thicker skin, the child is able to create a destructive quirk from what could be a simple moisture quirk and an acid-related power."

Izuku looks over at Katsuki, smirking. That is just like how he got his quirk — from a moisturising and an acid sweat combination. It's very interesting- everyone thought he'd have a acid quirk like his dad before it came in- he even used to act like he spat acid when they played heroes sometimes.

"Has this happened to anybody here? Gained a spectacular ability from quirks deemed weaker by society?" Katsuki leans back in his seat. "Nobody?" Izuku stays quiet, knowing that Katsuki will beat him up at the next chance he gets if he says anything . "Usually they are all over the hero course, not this year it seems, though," the specialist notes, taking one last look around the room.

The class continues on, with Izuku paying his full attention to the professional at the front, just as everybody else is. It's very interesting! Who'd blame them? If anyone said they weren't listening, they'd be lying- well, the exception is the kid behind him who he knows is trying to just have a peek at the girls while they are distracted. It makes him sick, to be honest. What's the point in that?

Izuku was sure that by the end of this lesson, he'd have filled up a large portion of his school notebook. He could feel his hand aching as the lecture went on and on. His note-taking was interrupted by the school bell singing- very loudly, too!

"Alright, that's over,"

Aizawa Sensei arises from his position on the floor behind his desk.

"Class, say your thank you's so we can all move on to the next subject of the day,"

"Thank you!" The class responds in unison, directing it at the man who generously came in to explain the study of quirks. If he doesn't make it to heroism, Izuku is sure that will be his next choice. The guest leaves the room with a smile as the class directs their attention to their Sensei.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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To Be More Like Me, and Be Less Like You! (Quirked Deku)Where stories live. Discover now