Chapter 2

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Izuku had met AllMight, and to be honest, it wasn't like he'd expect it to be.

He asked that one question he had been asking for years; Could he become a hero? Especially with this quirk. He couldn't even make clouds like he was expected to. It was... disappointing, really.

All his idol had done was send him an unsure face and say that he had to leave.

Why did he think AllMight would say yes? It was dumb to think that he could become a hero in the first place, even if it was always his dream. He would add nothing to even the smallest hero school.

Letting out a sigh, he continues on his way home. He took the long route, knowing that it would be a bad idea to go through the quicker way due to not as many heroes being there, and it was a bad route altogether. He had cut through the main street, not needing to take long to know why it was suddenly so crowded.

There was a loud boom, and the crowd had flinched. He peers around the corner, pushing through a few people to take a look. It was a villain attack, and from the heat and explosions, he could guess that it was either some sort of radioactive quirk or a sort of fire user. Maybe nitroglycerine? That was a highly explosive substance- proven by Katsuki instead of just Science class.

Izuku's eyes widen, staring up at the oh so familiar slime villain. He was holding somebody hostage- trying to take control over them, like attempted with him! He leans forward, slightly over the borderline of which officers were put. Backdraft, the firefighter hero, was attempting to put out as much fire as he could, while Kamui Woods was having trouble evacuating citizens from the buildings next to the alleyway.

"I can't fit! It's too small!" Mt. Lady exclaims in a small panic, trying to fit her enlarged body into the small alley. Izuku looked up, jumping as the crowd gasped. There was a disgusting sound of some sort of material hitting the smelly slime.

"He's got a kid!" A girl clasps her hand over her mouth as Izuku struggles to see the person from his angle. As the boy created yet another explosion, he could finally who it was- and boy was he surprised.

"Kacchan!" His ears ring, and before he can process what exactly he's doing, he had dropped his bag, snatching one of Kamui Wood's snapped branches to just simply ditch it at the eyes of the slime monster.

Since when had he entered the battlefield? When did he start to pull Katsuki out of the green-tinted villain? When did he even move?

His thoughts are clouded. Incomprehensible. He wasn't sure if he can actually think again.

He feels vapour release from his throat as he gave Katsuki one last tug.


AllMight? Again?

Both Katsuki and Izuku got violently pushed back as the blonde hero just about smashed the villain, angling to release the trapped teen. Izuku's back hit the brick wall, accompanied by pain. God, that's a hard punch if it sent him back like that.

Katsuki pushes the cloud user away, stuttering up to his feet as he flails his arms around for a moment. His eyes narrow, glaring down at the aspiring hero- well, the one besides himself.

Izuku was busy staring up at the heroes, who had crowded around the two. Kamui Woods stares down at him, an angry expression sewn across his face. The others gawk at Katsuki, complimenting his stunning quirk.

His bag was thrown at him, and he had let out an "oof" as he catches it. Death arms and Mt. Lady join the wooden hero, talking to the boy in a stern manner.

"You must be crazy if you thought we couldn't handle it," Mt. Lady starts. "Everything was under control- you didn't need to play hero!" She scoffs.

"You could have died! Don't do that again, kid. You're literally smoking!" Izuku frowns, looking up at the pros with watery eyes. The vapour had increased, and he starts to sweat slightly. Oh, his quirk is acting up again. His body is trying to get rid of as much moisture as possible without being bad.

He sighs, standing up and throwing his bag over his shoulder.

"Alright. Can I go home now?" He asks. Death Arms glares at him, almost as much anger underneath it under Katsuki's usual stare. He nods slightly.

"Get home, kid, and no more of this."



Izuku shrieks as the broad form of AllMight fills his vision, muscles flexing and his signature smile just as present as what would be seen on videos.

"For a proposition!" The blonde adds on, looking down at the teen as his mouth quirks down ever so slightly, having no reason to keep a smile going for now. Izuku sends him a confused look, curious about AllMight's "proposition". He steps back as AllMight leaned over him.

"I apologise for earlier, but the villain was my top priority, although he temporarily got away," The blonde excuses, waving his hands around slightly out of what Izuku could assume is a habit. "And now I would like to offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Izuku raises his brow, even more interested than he had been before.

"I would like to train you, Young..."

"Midoriya, Midoriya Izuku." Izuku stammers, eyes wide at AllMight's offer.

"I would like to train you, Young Midoriya!" AllMight announces, grinning widely. "And not only train you- but pass down my quirk and title to you!"


To Be More Like Me, and Be Less Like You! (Quirked Deku)Where stories live. Discover now