Chapter 4

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Yuuei recommendations; one of the most nerve-wracking parts about the hero exams—well, that's what Izuku thought about it, at least.

AllMight made a smart decision and entered him in for the recommendations exam, which would be relatively easy to pass if somebody wasn't going up against such talented people and over the top quirks.

Izuku had failed—losing to almost the whole of his competitors.

But now he's applying like a normal student, new quirk obtained and his skills improved. With the public exams a week after the recommendations, he had more time to prepare and get adjusted to the stockpiling quirk; One For All.

He obtained it a day or so early by consuming a strand of AllMight's hair, and it was disgusting. The man put too much conditioner in, and even shoving it down his throat made him gag. Why did it have to be hair, of all things?

The day after, he pulled on his Middle School Uniform, threw his jumpsuit in his bag, and made his way back to the school of his dreams; Yuuei. Now that he had even more competitors, it was even more nerve-wracking than the other test. The acceptance rate is low enough as it is, and he was most likely boosting others' chances at this point.


Izuku jumps in his seat, looking down at the stage in the auditorium like building from his seat among thousands of students—different schools scattered around. It was hard to believe he would be able to get in with such a crowd competing. He pulls his thoughts away from that, directing his attention to Pro Hero; Present Mic stands on the stage under the projector.

An image was projected on a large, white banner behind the blonde. It seemed like they would be paying attention to a slideshow. The pro continued to talk, filling in the applicants about what exactly would be happening in this test. He had no microphone, and that's what made Izuku wince. Those poor people at the front row.

"Today you will be competing against a series of large robots, ranging from a no-pointer to a three-pointer robot," he starts, gaining the attention of the group when he finally stopped with the jokes. "And these robots can either be destroyed, the main way to obtain points, or turned off by a simple switch on the back," Izuku frowns, a plan fogging his thoughts.

He bit his lip to prevent any mumbling.

"Think of this as a video game—You're set in a mock city, and you need to get a higher amount of points to pass in the 'PvE' section of this test," he explains, figures of the robots projected on the screen. It shows the two ways you could get points again, giving the group a reminder.

"Now, there are near no rules for this exam, but we do advise against injuring another contestant," he warns, about to continue talking when a dark-haired boy, a few rows away from Izuku, shoots his hand up, pamphlet in hand. Izuku had already read through his and got all the information he needed as Present Mic relayed information.

The teen had been allowed to talk after only a moment.

"Present Mic, this pamphlet tells us there are four robots when you have only named three!" He starts, talking loud enough for all the examinees to hear. "If this is how Yuuei informs us about a mock threat in this entrance exam-"

"Chill out, man," Present Mic interrupts. "The zero-point robot is simply an obstacle, and it is advised to just ignore it- it gives you no points after all!  The blonde looks over the crowd as the boy nods and sits down in his seat once more. That was... A tiny bit annoying.

It took only another few minutes for the presentation to be over, and after that, it's time to start the exam.


Izuku doesn't have much confidence.

There are so many quirks portrayed as a number of contestants stretched. Somebody has a tail, and there was this one guy with stretchable limbs! All he had were these dumb clouds with little density. It would be easier to malfunction robots than break or switch off at this point, but it would be risky. With One For All such a foreign quirk to him, he has little power to apply to the exam, and that frightens him. He'd just need to try his best at this point.

"Are you alright?" Izuku flinches, turning behind him at Ingenium speed. He laughed it off, breathing in deeply. It was that guy from the auditorium, who interrupted Present Mic. Now that Izuku could see him properly, he was probably nervous too.

"Oh, sorry. Yes, I'm fine, just a bit nervous to be honest," Izuku excuses, smiling at the raven-haired teen. He was taller, but only by a few inches. He towers over the green-haired boy, even with that small difference. "I'm Midoriya Izuku," he holds out his hand to shake.

The taller shakes his hand with a nod.

"Iida Tenya. I wish you luck with the test," He looks over Izuku for a moment and then left. Izuku opted not to bring his staff with him after hearing the practical could demolish it, and he really didn't feel like breaking a weapon that he didn't buy.


Izuku jumps in surprise, quickly recovering and darting into the mock city. He encounters quite a big group of robots almost immediately, and right then he knows he is so dead.

He springs back as one steps forward to attack him. They don't seem too strong, most likely to not hurt any teens too much. They seem relatively easy to fight, and so he starts plotting.

Sucking in a deep breath, he leaps onto the arm of the machine, forming clouds inside the sensitive joints before taking the chance to shut it off. The robot has no chance of stopping him if he got rid of an arm. The others have already been taken care of by other contestants, so Izuku hops off and counts his first three points.

That was harder than he expected.

To Be More Like Me, and Be Less Like You! (Quirked Deku)Where stories live. Discover now