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"Come on 198, it's time for your first experiment."

My eyes slowly widened as he said that, the hairs on my arm stood up as I felt horror consume me whole. I struggled to get up while my legs shivered. He waited for me outside the door of my room, his expression was still that same lifeless look plastered all over his face. I walked out of my room, there I saw a guard beside him. The guard grabbed my arm as he pulled me down the corridor, Dr. Lucian followed behind him. We walked down winding passageways for what felt like ages. Just then we made it to an elevator, which Dr. Lucian used a card to open. The elevator was dark, lights flickered and parts of it were rusting. We walked in and he pushed the button, 'Basement 1'.

The elevator slowly descended and then the doors opened once again. Once the doors opened, all I could see was a long corridor, with multiple rooms and each side. We walked down the long, quiet corridor, though I could hear muffled voices coming from the rooms on either side of the corridor. We made it to the last door on the corridor as Dr. Lucian used his card to open the door.

As the doors opened I saw a room with a clear glass window, looking into another room, with fully white painted walls and a single chair, nothing else. On the other side of the room I saw tables with multiple computers, cameras and chairs. Multiple other scientists stood outside of the white room, they all glanced at me, most gave me angry glares, others didn't even bother looking at me. The guard pushed me into the white room and sat me down on the chair, which had straps connected to it. He roughly strapped me down and walked out of the room. I watched as Dr. Lucian walked towards the mirror and pressed down on a button on the table outside. He then began speaking, which was when I heard his voice from a speaker inside the room.

"So, 198, I think you know why you're here but I'll run you down on some things anyways. You are currently sitting behind sound-proof glass, you can't hear anything we say unless it's through the speakers but we can hear each and every noise you make, understood?" He said as a slight smirk formed on his face after he spoke the last word.

I nodded in agreement. He turned his head and started speaking to the other scientists, his voice was muffled and I couldn't make out anything he said. He then pointed to one of the female scientists, who then walked up towards him. He handed them something, I couldn't tell what though. He then pointed to the window, which was when the other scientist walked over to the door, leading into the white room where I was and stood there.

"Alright, 198, I'll give a moment to process everything that is going to happen, don't want you freaking out while we're experimenting, do we?" He said as his smirk grew larger.

My breath became shaky, I tried to move my arms and my legs but they were binded by the straps. I struggled to move as I felt my vision slowly start to get blurry. I choked on a sob as I felt the hairs on my arm stand up and the air turn colder. My ears started ringing as I felt my hearing become muffled. Colby will help me, right? I'll be fine just as long as I don't take the pill, right? Right?

Just then I faintly heard Dr. Lucian's voice on the speakers, "Alright then, I think that's all the time you'll need, let's start, shall we?" He said, in that dark, sadistic voice of his.

The female scientist then slowly walked inside, with a syringe in her hands. She crouched down, next to me and injected it into my arm, after which she soon ran out of the room.

I felt a sudden surge of energy pulse through my blood. I heard my heart pound as sweat dripped down my forehead. A sudden headache took over my brain as I felt my head ripping into two. My vision was slowly getting blurry and my hearing muffled. I looked up to see all of the scientists panicking, all except for Dr. Lucian. He simply looked at me, dead eyes and a lifeless expression. I felt a sudden pain in my limbs, almost as if they were being twisted and slowly ripped apart. I shut my eyes tightly as I tried to break free from the chair. I felt my heart beat even faster as I gasped for air. I screamed and cried out until my throat could no longer work. I slowly lost track of how long I was in here for. It felt like hours.

A few coughs escaped my lips as I felt my heart slowly calm down and my body slowly turning numb. I slowly lifted my head up to see Dr. Lucian speaking to one of the other scientists, this time his expression had finally changed, his eyes opened wide, it looked almost like he was panicking but at least trying his best not to show it.

Dr. Lucian's POV :

"Th-that has never happened before, why did the process go on for so long?!" I shouted as I slammed my hands on the table.

"Sir-sir, we've only seen that happen with one other experiment." Dr. Angelica spoke.

"Who?" I asked as I hung my head down.

"Ex-experiment 39."

I snapped my head back up as my eyes widened. I dragged my fingers through my hair.

"It-it worked, it worked to its full extent," I said as a smile slowly grew on my face.

"Angelica, take him to the West Wing now."

Sam's POV :

My vision slowly came back to normal and my hearing too as I saw the female scientist walk inside the room and unstrap me from the chair. I stood up, my legs still felt sore.

"Follow me." She said as she walked out of the room.

We walked out of the room and through the winding corridors, she used her key-card to get in the elevator and leave what I believe is the East Wing. As we got out of the elevator we made it back to the area with all of the cafeteria and walked up a flight of straights and walked down a corridor, I think this was the West Wing. The corridors were empty, with the Experiments' rooms just below us, I expected to hear at least a little bit of noise- nothing. It was dead silent, I'm assuming it's night. As we walked down the corridor, I couldn't help but feel as if a pair of eyes were watching me. I sighed, hoping that Colby would come to help.

We walked down the corridor and made it to a room, she walked me inside. All that was in it was simply a table, with a glass of water and pill placed beside it.

"We're going to need you to eat the pill." She said,

I simply nodded my head as sighs escaped my lips. My hands shook as I reached for the glass, resistant to eat the pill. I grabbed the glass and took a sip, I tried to stall as much time as possible. Where is Colby? I thought he was going to help me. Suddenly I heard screams coming from downstairs. The lady immediately turned her head and stuck her head out the door. Her eyes widened as she shrieked and ran out of the room. I'm guessing Colby had something to do with whatever was happening.

I simply stood in the corner as I waited there. My breath was becoming shaky, again. Suddenly I heard faint footsteps outside the room. I heard the door creak as someone walked in- Colby. He took small and slow steps, he hung his head down as he stared at his palms.

"Oh thank God you're here, I thought I would have to drink that-" I said as I walked towards Colby but I cut myself off as I stared at his palms.

My eyes widened as I covered my mouth with my hands. His palms were painted red.

"Co-colby, what did you do..?" I stuttered.

"I'm.. I'm sorry Sam, there was no other way to sneak past the guards and distract most of the scientists." He said as he raised his head and looked at me.

I choked on a sob as I tried to make as little noise as I could. Was Valentia right about not trusting him?

He simply turned his head and walked towards the table.

He turned his head and hung it down once again as he spoke, "I'm sorry, but there was no other way."

He turned his head back and drank the pill. He shut his eyes tightly as he fell to the ground on his knees.

"Colby! Are you alright?" I cried out as I ran towards him and shook him.

He grunted as he fell to the ground and curled himself into a ball.

"Im-I'm fine, I just need to get out of here before the scientists come back." He said as he struggled to pick himself up.

I grabbed his arm and picked him up. He struggled to get up, I could tell that his legs hurt with every step he took.

He simply turned to me and whispered, "Thank you, Sam." As he ran out of the room.

( 1604 words !! sorry this chapter took so long but ill promise to try uploading more chapters quicker. hope yall liked this chapter. pls vote it means a lot to me and thank you for reading <3 )

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