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Dr. Lucian's POV:

I looked through a few files when I heard a door slam open behind me.

"Yes?" I asked,


My eyes slowly widened as I took a sharp breath in and slowly turned around, "What.."

"I-It's true.. Some of the guards were killed with what we believe is a knife but.. There's something odd about the ones that died by the vault and in the lower levels."

"And what is that?"

"I think it's better you come and see for yourself." She said as she walked up to me and pulled me out of the room by my arm.

She took me to the elevator and pushed the button taking us to the lower level. The elevator finally stopped and we stepped out. We walked through the corridor and made it to the vault. She looked as me and slowly took a breath in,

"I suggest you mentally prepare yourself before I show you what's behind this door," She said as she looked at me with scared eyes,

I chuckled a bit, "Oh come on, whatever it is, I'm sure it's something we've seen before,"

She sighed, "Alright then.. If that's what you think," She said as she opened the door hesitantly.

I stepped in first. My eyes slowly widened when I saw the scene in front of me. My breath hitched and I could feel my muscles tighten. I saw the body of multiple guards of our's, lifeless, with their skulls bursted open.

"T-Their skulls.. They're bursted open.." I slowly whispered,

Allison stepped in after me, "Y-Yeah.."

I turned to her, "But how.. Nothing the Experiments could've gotten their hands on could have done this much damage.." I thought for a moment and just then I felt realization hit me with force of a blow, my eyes widened as I spoke again, "Unless.. This wasn't done with any weapon, this was the outcome of an experiment.."

Allusion quickly turned to me, "What.. but their powers aren't meant to manifest this quickly.. We still haven't given them the second dose of the pill.. Though we did have an exception.. Experiment 39 but even with his super strength, he wouldn't have been able to achieve all of this.."

I felt frustration pulse through my veins, "Well maybe we have another exception.. One that slipped right through our fingertips.."

"Well if we did have another exception.. The pill would have updated us, but we haven't gotten anything unusual from any of the Experiments and let's say that somehow an Experiment didn't take the pill, then they would have died by now.. The pill stabilizes them as their powers slowly set in and once they do set in, we give them the second dose so that they can actually use the powers but.. If an Experiment didn't even take the pill.. They should be dead by now.."

My frustration only grew stronger, nothing was making sense. I simply stepped out of the room without saying a single word and Allison followed.

"H-Hey wait! You can't just leave without saying anything!" She yelled,

I slowly turned, "Call all the scientists together, this evening.. We need to discuss things." I simply said as I left.

Sam's POV:

I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I slowly got up and opened it, to see Nate standing in front of me.

"H-Hey, you didn't show up to breakfast today. I heard the guards kept trying to wake you up but you just wouldn't budge. You alright?"

I didn't even remember that happened but I mean I guess it did.

"Oh.. Y-Yeah I'm fine.." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck,

"Well it's lunch now, wanna come to the cafeteria? Valentia's worried sick about you." He said as he laughed a bit saying the last sentence.

"Oh sure," I said as I stepped out of my room and walked with Nate to the cafeteria.

We made it to the cafeteria and saw Seth and Valentia sitting next to each other, they waved to me and signaled me to sit next to them. Me and Nate sat next to them.

"Well did you guys hear about what happened last night?" Seth said,

Valentia looked a little suspicious when she spoke, "No, what happened?"

"Apparently some Experiment broke out of their room and got to the vault where they're hiding all those files. Not only that but they also killed like thirty five guards."

When Seth said this Nate gasped a little and looked pretty shocked but Valentia didn't seem too surprised by it. I pretended to gasp and be surprised by it.

Valentia turned around and looked at Colby, "Bet it was Colby."

I sighed, "Yeah well it could be anyone else as well, what grudge do you even have against him?"

"He's hurt people before, you know the rumors as well.. Don't know why you even care about him so much.." She flatly responded.

"Whatever.." I simply said.

After a while we all finished eating and almost everyone left the cafeteria. I looked around and saw that it was just me and Colby now. I softly smiled at him and he walked towards me. We both walked out the cafeteria together but just before we were about to go to our own cells once again, I grabbed his wrist and spoke,

"I-I.. I have a question for you.." I softly whispered,

(928 words! hope yall liked this chapter. dont forget to vote and thank u for reading it means a lot to me !! ) 

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