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My eyes flickered as bright light shone on my face. I slowly placed my hand in front of my face to cover the light. I found myself lying on a hospital bed. I got up as I looked around the room. The walls were old and painted white, they had cracks in them, empty syringes were scattered across the floor and a pill bottle sat on a table that was placed next to me. I got up and looked at myself, my clothes were different now. I was now wearing a white shirt and some white pants, a number was sewn on my shirt. I slowly stepped on the damp, white floor as I walked to the door. I pushed and banged on the door as I tried to get out.

"Locked." I cursed as I started walking around the room.

Where even am I? And what do these people want with me? A thousand questions spun around in my head as I paced around the room. Suddenly I heard the faint sound of a door opening. I turned my head and saw a man stepping into the room. He walked in with a suspicious look on his face as his lifeless eyes looked around the room. He wore a white lab coat, with a name sewn on it in small letters, it read Dr. Lucian Blackwell.

"I see you're awake." He said as he slowly walked closer to me.

"Where-where am I? What do you want with me?" I yelled as I took a few steps back.

His eyes trailed off to the side as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"That's something I'd rather not tell you, for now at least." He flatly stated.

"What are you going to do with me?" I yelled.

"I think the better question you should be asking is who are you?" He said.

"That's easy I'm-" I said as I suddenly stopped.

Wait a minute, who am I? I held my hands to my head as I searched through all of my memories, when I realised, I have no memories, at all. Or at least ones that I could remember.

"Forgot something?" He stated as a smile grew on his face.

"Well it doesn't matter who or what you were before, from now on you'll be remembered as Experiment 198."

"Wait what do you mean by experiment?" I said as my breath became shaky.

"You'll understand soon." He said as he left the room and locked the door once again.

"Hey! W-wait!" I called out as I ran after him but the door was already locked by then.

I began banging and pushing on the door.

"At least tell me what's going to happen to me!" I shouted as I kept banging on the door.

After a few minutes of banging on the door and shouting, I finally lost all my energy. I slowly sat down and fell asleep next to the door.

"Wake up 198!" Someone called out from outside the room. I quickly woke up, just then the door opened and a guard walked in.

"Get up, it's time for you and the other experiments to eat!" He shouted as I slowly left the room.

"There were other people here?" I thought as I walked out the room with my head hung down.

I slowly lifted my head up. I saw hundreds of other rooms in a corridor, with numbers written on them.

"Down the corridor and to the right." The guard flatly said as he walked away.

My breath slowly became shaky as a shiver crawled down my spine. How many people do they even have here? I took slow and small steps as I felt the air turn cold and a pair of eyes watching me. I stopped as I turned to look around, oddly no one was there. I started walking again, with all the hairs on my arm standing up. I made it to the corner and made a right. For some reason I couldn't push away that feeling of being watched. I saw a large hall full of cafeteria tables and benches, full of hundreds of other people, wearing the same uniform I was wearing, with different numbers sewn on them. As I walked in, a lot of people looked at me, though their expressions didn't change. I found an empty table and sat down there, I didn't want to eat right now. I rested my head down as I tried to fall asleep. Suddenly I felt a tap on my left shoulder. I got up to see a boy, with his long, black, messy hair falling all over his face, sitting next to me.

"Hey, I'm Experiment 150, what about you?" He asked.

"198," I flatly stated as we sat in silence for a while. I looked at him as worry filled my eyes and my lips trembled with each breath I took "Where are we? What do they want with us?" I cried.

He placed an arm on my back as he spoke, "Hey, calm down, the rest of us are almost as clueless as you are."

"What-what do they mean by 'experiment'? What's going to happen to me?" I cried out as I felt tears swell in my eyes.

He sighed and said, "All of us get experimented on, I'm not sure what they're doing but all of us are injected with something and ever since then none of us have been the same,we've started bleeding, randomly passing out and there's so much more, I can't even remember all of it."

"For how long have you been here for?" I asked.

"All of the other Experiments have been here for about a month or so but there's only one Experiment that's stayed here the longest, Experiment 39, he's been here for almost 3 years now."

"Wh-what, three years, here?"

"Yeah, except we can't really find out much about anything about what happened before all of this, he doesn't really talk to anyone."

Just then a guard called out, "Back to your cells, experiments!"

I stood up and walked out with everyone else and made my way back to my cell. I simply went inside and sat down on the floor. My breath started to feel shaky once again. I rubbed my face as I tried to calm myself down. I didn't want to be experimented on. My vision started going blurry. My chest heaved as my palms sweated, just then my door opened once again and there I saw Dr. Lucain Blackwell, from earlier.

"Hello, 198. How are you feeling?" He said with a dull expression on his face.

"I-I know what you do to the other Experiments!" I shouted as I moved away from him.

"Oh, then I believe it's time I tell you that tomorrow will be the first time we conduct our first test on you." He said as a smile slowly grew on his face.

My eyes slowly widened as I felt my arms shaking. He simply turned around and walked out of the room.


The door was already closed and locked by then. I started pounding on the door and begged for a reply. Silence, he had already left by then. I slowly slid down the door. My chest heaved as I choked on a sob. 

( Sorry if this chapter isn't that good, it was kinda rushed but I hope yall still like it ! At least this chapter was longer than half a page long lol . Next chapter will probably be out next week ! Thank you for reading <3 )

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