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( hellooo people !! ik i was gone for like idk i think 2 whole months i am so so sorry but i am finally back and i will try my very best to finish this book as fast as i can and update as regularly as possible i am sooo sorry once again and for the those of u who are actually still reading thank u so so muchhh )

Sam's POV:

"Come on, we should go now before some guards catch us." Colby said, a soft smile playing on his lips as he stood up.

"Yeah.. you're right." I said as I slowly got up.

Colby intertwined his fingers with mine as we crawled back through the vent.

"You should go to your cell now, if we stay out any longer a guard will probably catch us. Plus they would've probably doubled the guards after what we pulled that night and I don't want them to hurt you." Colby said as he patted my back.

I smiled at him, "Alright then." I simply stated as I walked back to my cell.

Me and Colby went our separate ways, both of us trying to be as discreet as possible. I quietly opened the door to my cell and shut it. I walk to my bed and sit down on the edge of it. Memories of the conversation me and Colby had played in my mind over and over. A soft smile formed on my lips as I thought back on our conversation. Just then I think back about the promise me and Colby made. Would we one day actually be able to live a normal life together after we escape? I softly chuckled as I imagined us living together, maybe in a tiny, cozy little apartment in a big city together? Or maybe in a small cabin somewhere remote? Whatever life we'll live after we escape, I know I'll love it because I'll be living it with him. But the sappy, cozy thoughts only lasted so long before my mind wandered off again. What if Valentia was actually right about Colby? What if this is all just some trick? A thousand questions clouded my mind as I tried to stop them.

I crawled into the bed and draped the thin sheets over my body. My thoughts continue to spiral while I struggle to push them down. I tried to sleep but with a thousand thoughts echoing in my head I simply stared at the ceiling, waiting until I would finally fall asleep.

Dr Lucian's POV:

I took firm steps as I stepped into the room, Allison following closely behind me. When I walked in I saw a bunch of the other scientists as they stared at me with confused and concerned expressions on their faces. Allison and I simply stood there in silence until one of them spoke up.

"Well? What did you call all of us here for?" Asked another scientist, Zach.

I scoffed, "You seriously don't know?"

"Cut the bullshit and just answer the question."

I started to walk around the room, taking soft, slow steps, "Thirtyfive of our guards were killed just yesterday night."

Soft murmurs and gasps filled the room and Zach spoke up again, "Wh-What? But how?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out, dumbass." I said coldly,

"We've never seen anything like this before.. Yeah there've been rebellions but.. Nothing ever like this has happened before." Allison added,

"Oh yeah? And what makes this so different?" Zach asked,

Allison slowly walked up to Zach, a file in her arms. When she stood beside him she opened the file with a few pictures in it. I watched as his eyes slowly grew wide.

"Got your attention now huh?" I scoff,

"What- but how.. What even happened..?"

"I'll tell you what happened.." I step closer to Zach and place my finger on his chest, "That guard's skull fucking bursted open." I spit out as I watch Zach's face turn to pure horror.

I turn to face the other scientists, "Do you understand what this means, people?"

I watch as realization dawns on all of their faces as well and smirk.

"One of the experiments worked." I said, a soft chuckle escaping as well,

"But.. There were no reports that showed any of that from any of the experiments. How could this happen?" Zach said timidly.

And there it was. That question I did not have an answer to.

"I.. Don't have an answer to that question. But.. I say we don't celebrate for long." I said,

"What? But why?"

I walk back to Zach and glare at him, "Look at the damage, whoever this person is, they've already killed thirtyfive of our guards. For all we know they could be planning an escape. And what happens if their escape works? You've got superhuman abilities out in the open and who knows how many that could kill? This person clearly doesn't understand how to control their abilities and the thing is.. Neither do we."

Zach gulps as he slowly nods his head.

"I have a plan though of course," I say, "I want you all to continue to Phase-2 of this experiment, before this person figures out how to control these abilities of theirs."

I watch as all of their eyes widen in shock.

Allison steps towards me, "What?! You can't be serious. You want us to give them all the second pill?" Allison screams out, her voice shaky and heavy,

I nod, "I don't care how dangerous the first one already was, I want you to give them the second pill."

Allison gulps and reluctantly nods in agreement.

"And for extra measure.. Go inform that little spy of ours.. Maybe they'll know something about who this person with these new abilities is because so far.. Our pills have not picked up any activity from any of the experiments."

Allison gave me a nervous nod as she walked out of the room.

I turn to the rest of the scientists, "Alright then, I think it's safe to say, Phase-2 has officially started."

( 1013 words !! also im finally back woohoo !! im suuuper sorry i had to take a break for i think 2-3 months? im so so sorry but im gonna try to update as much as possible and for anyone who is still reading thank u so so much i appreciate it a lot !! pls vote it means a bunch to me and ty for reading <33 )

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