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Sam's POV:

I woke up. The cold air of the laboratory hit my face like an insult. I slowly removed the thin white sheets that were draped over my body. Suddenly the clammer of something hitting metal was heard outside of my cell. I realized it was just some guard that came to wake me up. I heard the door unlock and I reluctantly walked out of the room, dragging my feet against the cold floor. As I walked to the cafeteria my mind couldn't help but wander.

There were still so many questions left unanswered. Why can I move objects with my mind? What does this damn pill even do? What will happen now that I haven't taken it? I walked to the cafeteria and there I saw Valentia, Nate and Seth sitting in their usual spots and Colby at the back, in the corner like usual. I decided to sit next to Valentia, Nate and Seth today. I walked and took a seat next to Nate. We sat and ate in silence for a while till Valentia broke the silence,

"Have you all heard about that Experiment that killed thirty five of the guards here?" Valentia asked,

Seth had a look of curiosity and shock on his face while Nate simply nodded and spoke, "Yeah, I heard about it. It's got all the scientists panicking right now."

I questioned whether or not I should tell them that it was me. They've all clearly shown me that they are trustworthy people with how much they worry about me. I was about to speak and reveal the truth that it was me responsible for it before I remembered the conversation I heard between two scientists when I first came here, talking about some spy that they have that's working on their side.

I decided to close my mouth and stayed silent. It could be anyone really. Nate, Seth, Valentia.. Or even Colby. I can't trust any of them.

Just then Valentia's voice cut through the silence, "What's wrong Sam? You seem all silent for some reason."

I was a bit caught off guard by the question but quickly recovered, "It's nothing, don't worry about it. Just thinking about the whole incident, you know?"

Valentia simply nodded before continuing to speak, "Anyways, back to what I was saying. Apparently some of the guards were found with their skulls exploded."

Both Nate and Seth looked incredibly concerned, shocked and caught off guard when they heard this. I tried to pretend like I knew nothing and furrowed my eyebrows, feigning innocence and shock.

"How the fuck did that happen?" Seth spoke, his voice cracked a bit, he was clearly shocked,

"Don't know. People are saying that maybe one of the experiments actually worked and this is the outcome."

"Huh, so how would the scientists not know that the experiment worked then and then I don't maybe try to keep them under control or something?"

"I don't know.. It is weird though."

Suddenly an announcement blared through the intercoms and a thick, gruff voice spoke through the static, "All experiments, you are allowed to roam around the laboratory after eating as usual but for the next one week the East Wing will fully be off limits for everyone except for scientists and guards. Anyone who is caught loitering around that area will be severely punished." And then there was silence and shortly after the static stopped as well.

We all looked at each other with curious and concerned expressions.

"Woah, well what's that about?" Nate spoke,

"I dunno, maybe those guards were killed in the East Wing or something and they're cleaning up the bodies." Seth replied,

"No, the guards were killed in the lower levels, near the vault where all the files on the experiments are kept. The East Wing is where the lab is. Dunno what's going on but they're probably working on something new in there right now."

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