The best of the exterminators

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As she made her way through the twisted alleys of Hell, the whispers of shadows seemed to follow Lute, as if the very abyss whispered warnings and promises of betrayal.

The young angel tightened her grip on the hilt of her weapon, trying to drown out the fear threatening to overwhelm her in that sea of darkness and danger. Every shadow seemed to come to life, every whisper echoed in her mind like a reminder of the horrors lurking in the depths of Hell.

In the distance, she spotted her beloved Adam, advancing with determination among the demons rising like nightmare specters.

Lute approached him, seeking in his imposing presence a refuge against the storm of doubts besieging her.

The comforting warmth of their hands' contact was a balm to her tormented soul, but the sensation was fleeting as Adam abruptly let her go, reminding her of the urgency to stay vigilant amidst the infernal chaos.

Quickly, they arrived at the center of the Pentagram, where the exterminating angels faced off against the demonic hordes with fierce determination.

The sinners' weapons were rendered useless against them, and Lute felt a flash of confidence within as she prepared for battle. With a firm grip on her weapon, she plunged into the fray, confronting the demons with unleashed ferocity.

But her fury waned when someone stood in her way, defeating a demon before she could even strike.

It was Vaggie, the best among the exterminators, Adam's favorite. Lute felt a mix of admiration and resentment watching her in action, her speed and skill eclipsing even Lute's own prowess.

For a moment, a shadow of doubt settled in her heart as she watched Vaggie in action, her agile and precise movements marking her as the undisputed star of the battlefield.Though she admired Vaggie's skill, she also felt overwhelmed by a sense of inadequacy, questioning if she could ever match her partner's talent and confidence.As she battled the demons, thoughts swirled in Lute's mind, hindering her concentration and weakening her resolve.Was she truly worthy to stand by Adam's side? Or was she merely a shadow compared to Vaggie's brilliance?She tried to keep calm as she struggled to focus her gaze on Adam, seeking the comfort and security he had always provided. However, a stabbing pain pierced her chest as she realized Adam was looking at Vaggie with a mixture of pride and admiration.Lute's heart sank in her chest as she fought to hold back tears. Did Adam no longer value her as before? Had she been replaced in his heart by someone more talented and self-assured? Doubts and fears consumed her, eroding her confidence and leaving her vulnerable to the relentless reality of Hell.She tried to push those thoughts from her mind, to find the strength to carry on, but every time she looked at Adam and Vaggie fighting side by side, she felt like a knife was twisting in her heart. She wondered if she could ever reach her companion's level of excellence, if she would ever be worthy of Adam's pride.A sense of crisis engulfed her, wrapping her in overwhelming darkness as she struggled to find her place in a world where competition was fierce and there was no room for weakness.But amidst the storm of her emotions, a spark of determination ignited within her. She refused to be relegated to obscurity, to allow her fears to consume her completely. With fierce determination, she promised herself that she would prove her worth, that she would find her own path to success, even if it meant facing the greatest challenges Hell could throw at her.Even if it meant ending the insignificant life of the princess, or even better, the very king of Hell himself.In the midst of her despair and pain, Lute began to weave a sinister plan.A plan that, while dark and risky, might be her only chance to earn Adam's pride and prove her worth. A plan that would require her to defy the very divine laws she had sworn to protect.And so, with a cold and calculating determination shining in her eyes, Lute laid out the first steps of her Machiavellian plan.A twisted smile curled on Lute's lips; she couldn't wait for the next day of extermination.

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