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Lute sobbed uncontrollably, her heart shattered by the loss of Adam, when suddenly she found herself surrounded by a horde of demons that dragged her away from her beloved. Reluctantly, she left Adam's lifeless body behind, taking with her the halo that had been his celestial crown.

As she was dragged away, she couldn't take her eyes off Adam. Her tears continued to flow as she watched her beloved's body slowly transform into a sea of bright stars. With a heavy heart for Adam's loss, she retreated to the sky in search of comfort and guidance. She decided she needed help to face the uncertain future that lay ahead, and she had someone in mind who could offer her the guidance she so desperately needed.

With a hint of fear, Lute ascended through the celestial realms, seeking out a figure she had heard mentioned in stories and legends. She knew this being possessed the wisdom and power necessary to aid her in her quest for justice and redemption.

Lute, her heart broken by Adam's loss, made her way to a part of the sky resembling a peaceful beach. Still enveloped in her grief, she arrived at the meeting with Lilith, Adam's first wife, with fury pulsing in her chest and the weight of betrayal burdening her shoulders.

Approaching Lilith, Lute couldn't contain her anger, and her words burst forth like a cascade of resentment and accumulated pain.

"Lilith," Lute began, her voice trembling but full of defiance. "How could you allow your daughter to commit such an atrocity? How can you justify the murder of my beloved Adam at the hands of that crazed demon?"

Lilith looked at her calmly, but there was a glint of resentment in her eyes. "I deeply regret what has happened," she replied sarcastically, as she continued to gaze into the ocean.

"Lilith," Lute began with a voice laden with challenge, "if you don't do something about it, I assure you I won't forgive you. If you don't act to bring justice for Adam's death, then I assure you I won't hesitate to return to hell and face your daughter myself, and I will also speak with whoever I have to speak to get you back to the damn place you came from."

Lucifer's wife just looked at her with indifference, ignoring her words, she didn't care about Adam, but she had to stay in heaven for a reason...

Seeing the indifference with which she was treated, Lute walked away from Lilith with faltering steps, her mind still tormented by Adam's loss and the uncertainty of the future. Every step weighed heavily on her as pain and sadness overwhelmed her heart.

When she finally reached her room in heaven, she collapsed onto the bed with a choked sigh. The weight of grief was overwhelming, and she felt as if her body were being consumed by the agony of loss.

Tears flowed uncontrollably from her eyes, bathing her face in a bitter mix of sadness and desperation. Every sob was like an echo of her pain, resonating in the silence of the room as she struggled to find solace in the surrounding darkness.

The pain in her chest was like a dagger plunged into her heart, a constant reminder of Adam's absence and the brutality of his death. Every beat was a stab of pain, every breath was a sigh of anguish as she struggled to find a way to cope with her loss.

At that moment, the door to the room opened slowly, revealing the imposing figure of Lilith, whose eyes reflected a mixture of compassion and determination. Her presence filled the room with a tense and electric energy, as if she were charged with a hidden purpose.

"Lute," Lilith said with her firm voice. "I know you are suffering, but there is something we must do, I am not going to fix this, but at least, I will show you something that will comfort you."

Lute looked up, surprised by the unexpected visit of the ancient queen of hell. She wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded, ready to follow Lilith wherever she led.

"The sin of love" (Lute x Adam)Where stories live. Discover now