The Hazbin Hotel

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Adam observed Lute with a mixture of disappointment and concern in his eyes as she approached him. His expression was grave, reflecting the seriousness of the situation.

"Lute," he began, his voice firm but tinged with sorrow. "We need to talk."

The young woman's heart sank at those words, knowing that what was coming next wouldn't be easy to face. She swallowed hard and nodded, steeling herself to confront the consequences of her actions.

Adam stared at her for a moment, his expression a whirlwind of emotions. "What were you thinking when you did what you did?" he asked, his voice grave, with a tone of reproach.

She bit her lower lip, struggling to find the right words. She knew there was no excuse for what she had done, but she also knew she had to explain herself.

"I'm sorry, Adam," she said, her voice trembling slightly, her gaze lowering in a sign of remorse. "I know I made a mistake, but I did it because I believed it was the right thing to do."

"Damn it, Lute!" Adam roared, his voice full of pain and anger. "Don't you realize what you've done? You've killed my dearest creation, the one I saw as a daughter!"

The air filled with the force of his anger, making Lute tremble as she faced the full extent of his wrath. She knew she had deeply disappointed Adam, and the weight of her guilt overwhelmed her.

He sighed deeply, his gaze softening slightly. "What you did was dangerous and defiant," he said calmly, though the pain was still palpable in his voice. "But I understand that you had your reasons."

Lute stood there for a moment, letting Adam's words resonate in her mind, a knot of emotions tightening in her chest and tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

Adam, without a second thought, stepped closer to her and enveloped her in a warm embrace. Tenderly, he lifted her chin and kissed her softly on the forehead, trying to console her in her distress.

At that moment, a soft tapping sounded at the door, and the couple separated with surprise as the sound repeated.

"It's Sera and Emily," murmured Adam to himself, remembering the meeting they had scheduled.

With a sigh, he headed to the door and opened it to reveal Sera, an imposing figure with golden wings, and little Emily, a cherubic-looking angel.

"Adam, Lute," said the seraphim with her serene but authoritative voice. "We have urgent matters to discuss. May I come in?"

Adam solemnly nodded and ushered them in.

"Sera," he addressed directly to Adam once inside.

"Sera," he said, his tone indicating that the conversation would be of utmost importance. "We've received reports about a new development in the underworld. It's about the Hazbin Hotel."

Adam furrowed his brow, surprised by the mention of the hotel. He had heard rumors about the place, but he never thought it would be a cause for concern for the angels.

"What do we know about the Hazbin Hotel?" he asked, his voice full of curiosity and caution.

Sera responded, "According to our reports, the Hazbin Hotel is being run by Lucifer's daughter, the princess of hell, Charlie, who claims to intend to redeem sinners and send them to heaven."

Adam fell silent for a moment, processing the information. The concept of redemption in the underworld was entirely new to him, and he didn't know what to make of it.

"And what actions should we take regarding this?" he finally asked, seeking Sera's guidance.

Sera furrowed her brow, clearly concerned about the situation. "For now, we must remain vigilant and closely monitor the activities of the Hazbin Hotel. We don't know what their true intentions might be, and we can't afford to let our guard down in these uncertain times, besides, demons have tried to defeat us on previous occasions."

"The sin of love" (Lute x Adam)Where stories live. Discover now