The deal

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Adam detailed the story of Lilith's mysterious disappearance, an event that plunged Hell into deep concern. Lucifer, distressed by his wife's absence and the uncertainty surrounding her fate, turned to Adam for help. Reluctantly, Adam agreed to assist in the search, but what he found was much more than he expected.

In his journey through the darkest corners of the underworld, Adam encountered Eva, a demon of extraordinary power capable of transforming at will. With cunning and malice, Eva revealed to Adam her knowledge of his clandestine romance with Lute. Her words, tinged with mockery, hinted at absolute dominion over Hell, fueled by her all-seeing eyes.

"Eva warned me about her eyes watching over Hell," Adam confessed, his voice laden with sorrow and concern. "She knew everything about our relationship, Lute. She warned me, mockingly, that Lucifer or God could separate us again."

"Eva had eyes everywhere," Adam confessed with a tense whisper, recalling the paranoia that the demon's presence had provoked in him. "She knew about us, Lute. She knew every one of our encounters, every gesture of complicity."

Faced with the uncertainty and the growing threat that Eva represented, this Machiavellian demon proposed a tempting deal to Adam. If he agreed to help her transform into Lilith and ascend to Heaven to ask for forgiveness from God, Eva would keep the secret of his relationship with Lute. However, the deal had an ominous condition: any interference would be punished with death.

Adam recounted how Eva, with her venomous charm and overwhelming influence, wove a web of intrigue and manipulation in the underworld, fueled by her thirst for revenge and her desire to regain what she had once lost. As Eva's shadow loomed over him, Adam confronted the painful reality of having to choose between love and survival, knowing that each decision would have an inevitable cost.

Adam stared intently at Lute, his eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and determination. "Lute, I need you to understand something crucial," he began seriously. "By seeking Lilith's help, you broke the deal we had unconsciously made with Eva."

Lute frowned, trying to grasp the gravity of the situation. "What do you mean by that? What deal did we make with Eva?"

Adam sighed, aware that this conversation was inevitable. "Before our story began, Eva and I had come to an agreement," he explained, his tone laden with regret. "She promised to keep our romance a secret if we didn't interfere with her plans."

Lute's eyes widened in surprise at this revelation. "Then why did she help me get to Hell if that meant breaking the deal?"

Adam shook his head, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. "Lilith, or Eva as we know her now, has been playing a dangerous game from the start," he continued. "By bringing you to Hell, she endangered our agreement and set off a series of events that we are now facing."

Lute slowly absorbed the information, her mind spinning as she tried to understand the magnitude of the mistake she had made in seeking help from Lilith. Eva's betrayal towards them was becoming increasingly clear, and now, more than ever, they needed to find a way to protect each other amidst this chaos.

Adam sighed heavily, revealing a dark secret he had kept hidden deep within himself. "I've also betrayed the deal," he admitted with sorrow in his voice. "In the last extermination, when I faced the radio demon, I shouldn't have done it."

Adam looked at Lute with sincerity, wishing she understood the complexity of the situation. "Lute, what happened in the last extermination... It was a serious mistake on my part," he admitted with regret. "The radio demon, who is possessed by Eva, was under her influence."

Lute furrowed her brow, visibly confused. "What does that have to do with our deal?"

Adam sighed, feeling the weight of guilt in his words. "I promised not to interfere with anything related to Eva," he explained, his voice full of regret. "By confronting the radio demon, I broke that promise. Not only did I jeopardize our agreement, but I also exposed our lives to greater risk."

Lute absorbed the revelation, understanding the seriousness of the situation. "So, all this time we've been manipulated by Eva?"

Adam nodded sadly. "Eva has been pulling the strings from the beginning," he confirmed. "Now we're in a dangerous situation, and we need to find a way to protect each other before it's too late."

Lute, her eyes filled with uncertainty, asked the crucial question weighing on her mind. "So, do I have to stay away from you?" she inquired, seeking clarity amidst the confusion.

Adam listened carefully to Lute's question, his expression grim reflecting the complexity of the dilemma they faced. "No, Lute," he responded determinedly. "Eva can't harm you in Heaven. That's precisely why she's been manipulating things to keep me in Hell and you visiting me."

Lute nodded slowly, processing the information. "Then what should we do now?" she asked with concern.

Adam gave her a serious look. "We need to find a way to get out of this trap we've been caught in," he suggested, his tone full of determination. "Together, we can overcome this, but we need to act with caution and cunning."

Adam looked out the window, where the imposing building of the Hazbin Hotel stood in the distance. It was an iconic place, a symbol of hope in a world full of darkness and chaos. Lute shared with him the story of how a demon, in the form of a snake, had achieved redemption thanks to Charlie and her team's efforts. It was evident that Charlie's hotel was fulfilling its purpose, offering a unique opportunity for demon rehabilitation.

Adam nodded determinedly. "I'll try," he solemnly replied, contemplating the possibility of a fresh start at the Hazbin Hotel. However, he added seriously: "But you, Lute, won't go back to Hell. I can't risk Eva hurting you." Lute accepted Adam's warning with resignation, aware of the dangers lurking in that dark infernal realm.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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