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Several months had passed since the last meeting where Adam and Lute met with Charlie to discuss the plans for the Hazbin Hotel. Now, they were leaving a similar meeting, but this time something was different.

Adam and Lute exchanged surprised looks when suddenly, Vaggie appeared before them. Her unexpected presence momentarily left them stunned, unsure of how to react to their former battle companion.

She watched them with resentment in her eyes. It had been some time since their last encounter, and the emotions between them remained intense.

"Vaggie?" Adam asked, his voice full of surprise. "What are you doing here?"

Vaggie stood firm, unfazed by the presence of the two angels. "I've come to talk. There are unresolved matters that we need to address."

Lute looked at her with curiosity, wondering what could have brought her back after so long. Though she wasn't sure what to expect, she was ready to hear what Vaggie had to say.

Adam nodded seriously, his gaze fixed on Vaggie. "Alright," he responded calmly. "Let's hear what you have to say."

The three angels retreated to a secluded corner, leaving behind the tense atmosphere of the meeting room. The tension in the air was palpable, as if they were on the brink of an abyss, ready to leap into the unknown.

Vaggie watched them with determination, her voice resonating with authority as she announced the news about the upcoming extermination in Hell. "Hell is prepared for the next extermination," she declared firmly. "And this time, you will pay the consequences."

Lute let out a mocking laugh, her gaze filled with disdain as she approached Vaggie. "Us pay? Do you think your threats scare us, Vaggie?" she said sarcastically. "You're nothing more than a shadow of what you used to be. Is this how you spend your days now, crawling before a demon girlfriend?" Lute interrupted herself, her voice dripping with venom. "I thought you had some dignity, but it seems I was mistaken."

Vaggie maintained her composure, facing Lute's words calmly. "At least I have someone who truly loves me," she responded, a defiant gleam in her eyes. "Something that seems to be beyond your reach."

"Love? Do you really believe in that fairy tale, Vaggie?" Lute responded with contempt. "It's just an illusion for weaklings like you."

Adam observed the confrontation with a mix of concern and exasperation. He knew he needed to intervene before things got out of control. But before he could say anything, Lute stepped forward, her face twisted with anger and arrogance.

"You can't threaten us, Vaggie," Lute growled, her voice full of disdain. "No matter how hard you try, we will never surrender to your absurd demands."

Vaggie remained calm. "It's not about threats, Lute," she responded firmly. "It's about justice. And this time, Hell will reclaim what is theirs."

Amidst the tense confrontation, the sound of hurried footsteps interrupted the standoff. Everyone turned to see Charlie enter the room, her gaze determined as she approached Vaggie.

"Vaggie, it's time to go," Charlie announced softly. "We have matters to attend to, and we can't waste any more time here."

Vaggie nodded, acknowledging the urgency in her partner's words. "Understood," she replied, her expression serious as she turned to Adam and Lute. "This isn't over. We'll see each other soon."

With that, Charlie and Vaggie left the room, leaving the couple with a sense of tension in the air. Although the confrontation had come to an end for now, both knew that the conflict was far from resolved.

Adam left the room with firm steps, his somber expression reflecting the weight of the tensions he had just witnessed. Without saying a word, he headed to the nearest bar and grabbed a bottle of liquor, uncorking it with a brusque gesture.

"The sin of love" (Lute x Adam)Where stories live. Discover now