Do you remember how we met?

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Adam looked at her with surprise and bewilderment in his eyes, as Lute's words echoed in his mind like a distant echo.

For a moment, the wall of indifference he had built around himself wavered, and a spark of emotion ignited deep within him.

However, before he could articulate a response, many doubts crept into his mind. The responsibilities and expectations weighing on him as the leader of the exterminator angels stood in the way of his own heart, and he couldn't afford to be vulnerable in front of Lute, not when his position was at stake.

"I'm sorry, Lute," he finally said, his voice laden with hesitation. "Things are complicated right now. I can't... I can't promise you that my attitude towards you will change, you know we have to pretend that there are no feelings between us."

The words hung in the air, filled with palpable tension. Lute felt her heart sink in her chest, disappointment and pain enveloping her like a shadow. However, she forced herself to maintain composure. "Good night, sir," she said before retreating to her room.

Adam ignored her because he was lost in his thoughts, recalling the painful betrayals of the women he once loved.

The infidelities of Lilith and Eve echoed in his mind like an echo, reminding him of the deep scars those betrayals had left on his heart.

He knew that his wall of indifference was not only to keep their romance hidden; that indifference was also caused by his fear of being hurt again.

A sense of guilt overcame him as he watched Lute walking away down the halls, aware that he was causing her pain with his attitude.

He tried to go after her, but the fear of being hurt again paralyzed him, preventing him from showing his true self, even to the woman he loved.

He remembered the moment he met Lute, how her smile had illuminated his world and how her bravery and determination had captured his heart:

It was a quiet day,

He was in the midst of creating his exterminator angels, forging relentless and determined warriors for his celestial army. He had created strong, intelligent, and agile angels, like Vaggie, a fierce and merciless exterminator on the battlefield.

But among his creations stood out one in particular, a woman whose beauty and strength stood out among the others. She had been created at a time when Adam was remembering the beauty of his wife Eve and also thinking about the strong character of his beloved Lilith.

He ended up creating a different exterminator, she was beautiful, intelligent, and with an indomitable character, and when he lived with her, he noticed that this woman treated him differently: with attention, loyalty, and helpfulness. So he decided to make her his right hand and his main ally in combat.

Adam quickly noticed the growing attraction the young woman aroused in him. Every interaction between them was charged with palpable tension, like the electricity in the air before a storm.

He began to perceive how their encounters became more meaningful, with innuendos and flirtations floating between them, creating an atmosphere charged with anticipation and desire.

As she blushed with each of his gestures, he too began to feel a special connection to her, a spark of attraction he couldn't ignore.

It was on a night shrouded in celestial darkness when they finally succumbed to their deepest desires. Freed from all barriers, they surrendered to each other in an explosion of unrestrained passion, where love and lust intertwined in a fiery and passionate dance.

At that moment, they sealed their fate together in an unbreakable bond, leaving behind any doubt or fear to fully immerse themselves in the torrent of emotions that united them. It was an encounter that remained etched in their hearts forever, marking the beginning of a new stage in their lives.

After a long while facing his own memories, Adam finally decided to set aside his thoughts and retire to rest. With heavy steps, he headed to his room in the quietest wing of heaven, seeking the peace and rest he so desperately needed.

Once inside his room, he removed his celestial armor with mechanical gestures, setting aside the concerns of the day. He lay down on his bed, letting the darkness of the room slowly envelop him. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to ward off the remnants of memories that still haunted him.

The next day he would have to agree on the date for the next extermination, which was not far off.L

ute, on the other hand, was in the midst of her own internal battle. After the tense interaction with Adam, she felt disoriented and confused. Her thoughts revolved around her relationship with him and the complications they faced as exterminator angels.

She sat on the edge of her own bed, lost in her own thoughts.Lute began to devise a plan that she would carry out in the next extermination. The pieces began to fall into place in her mind as she plotted strategies and considered every detail carefully.She decided it was time to prove her worth and earn Adam's respect once and for all. Her plan was bold and risky, but she was determined to see it through. She needed to show Adam that she was more than just a subordinate, that she was a capable and cunning warrior.With determination in her heart, Lute began to outline the steps of her plan, visualizing each move and anticipating every possible obstacle. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to do whatever it took to prove her worth and earn a place by Adam's side, not only as a companion but as an equal.

"The sin of love" (Lute x Adam)Where stories live. Discover now