Eliminating the competition

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As the agreed extermination date approached, tension hung thick in the air. Lute had been diligently working on her plan, refining every detail and mentally preparing for what lay ahead.

On the night before the extermination, Lute immersed herself in final preparations. With steady but determined hands, she sharpened her weapon until its edge gleamed like a star in the darkness.

Every movement was precise and calculated, reflecting the fiery determination burning within her.

As she sharpened her weapon, she mentally reviewed every step of her plan. Each move, each decision, was carefully planned to maximize her chances of success. She knew that the moment of truth was fast approaching, and she was ready to face it with courage and determination.

With her weapon ready and her plan in place, Lute prepared for the night that would define her fate and change the course of things. She was ready to defy expectations, to prove her worth, and to do whatever it took to secure her place by Adam's side.

With the hourglass in Hell draining its final sand, the portal opened with a loud roar, marking the beginning of the extermination.

Adam approached Lute, his gaze reflecting a mix of concern and determination as he wished her luck before leading the entire army of angels down into Hell.

"Lute," Adam said, his voice resonating with authority but also with a touch of complicity, "I wish you the best in this battle. I trust you'll end the miserable lives of those damned sinners, as you've always done."

Lute nodded with determination, her gaze reflecting unwavering resolve as she prepared to face the forces of the underworld. She knew this was the moment to prove her worth, to put her plan into action, and to fight with all she had.

With one last meaningful exchange of looks, Adam and Lute parted ways.

As the night unfolded, Lute observed Vaggie attacking mercilessly as always. Lute remained hidden in the shadows, patiently waiting for the right moment to act. Nights before, she had spent hours researching the rules and protocols of the exterminators, looking for any weakness or vulnerability she could exploit to harm Vaggie.

With every calculated move, Lute watched her fellow warrior closely. She knew every one of her moves, every gesture, every tactic she employed on the battlefield. And as Vaggie continued to fight fiercely, Lute was ready to seize any lapse or mistake she might make.

Lute's heart skipped a beat as she witnessed the scene. Vaggie had come across a small demon, clearly frightened and defenseless, and instead of finishing him off as was the norm, Vaggie spared his life. It was the worst offense an exterminator could commit: sparing the life of a demon.

Lute tightened the grip on her weapon, feeling a mix of disbelief and opportunity. This was the moment she had been waiting for, the opening she needed to execute her plan. With swift but stealthy movements, she approached Vaggie, taking advantage of her distraction, and prepared to act.

Adrenaline surged through her veins as she prepared to confront her fellow warrior. She knew this would be a tough test, but she also knew she couldn't afford to let this opportunity pass.

With fierce determination, Lute lunged at Vaggie, catching her off guard with her unexpected attack. With agile and precise movements, she brutally tore off Vaggie's wings, cutting off her ability to fly and leaving her defenseless on the ground.

A cry of pain echoed through the air as the first wing was torn off, but Lute didn't hesitate. With a quick twist, she disarmed Vaggie, inflicting more damage as she struggled to defend herself.

Chaos and confusion reigned on the battlefield as the other exterminator angels watched in awe and horror at what was unfolding.

Finally, with one last precise blow, she gouged out Vaggie's eye, then left her lying on the ground, wounded and defeated.

Lute picked up her weapon, stained with her companion's golden blood, and was about to take flight when she noticed something approaching her.

The strong flapping behind her made Lute come to a sudden stop, her heart pounding in her chest as she turned slowly to face what was coming behind her. When she saw Adam, her heart skipped a beat in surprise.

Adam's expression was a whirlwind of emotions, a mix of astonishment, anger, and disappointment. Their eyes met, and in that moment, she knew she would have to face the consequences of her actions.

"Damn it, Lute," Adam exclaimed, his voice grave and reproachful. "What the hell did you do?!" Adam knelt beside Vaggie and tried to stop the bleeding from her wounds.

Lute swallowed hard, feeling trapped under Adam's piercing gaze. She knew she couldn't hide the truth, that she would have to face the consequences of her actions. With courage, she straightened up and prepared to face whatever came next.

"I'm sorry, Adam," she said, feigning remorse, her voice trembling slightly. "But I had to do it, I had no other choice. She broke the main rule of the exterminators."

Adam looked at her in silence for a moment, his dark eyes assessing her intensely. Then, with a heavy sigh, he nodded slowly.

"I know you did what you believed was right, Lute," he finally said, his tone softening slightly as he addressed his cherished exterminator. "Vaggie, the rules are clear. We cannot allow compassion in this world." Then, Adam removed Vaggie's halo and left her to her fate in that corner of Hell.

After this, Adam marked the end of the extermination, the angels returned to heaven, but this time there was no celebration in their hearts. Despite the victory, the price was high: they had lost one of their best warriors. Vaggie's absence, the strong and lethal angel who had fallen in combat, weighed on them like a shadow.

Instead of celebrating, the sky resonated with a somber silence as the angels reflected on the losses suffered in battle. Vaggie's absence was a painful reminder of the dangers and sacrifices of their mission, and it left a void in their ranks that would be difficult to fill.

Despite the weight that had fallen upon the other angels, Lute found herself quite happy inside. She had accomplished what she set out to do and felt at peace with herself.

However, her joy was interrupted when Adam summoned her for a meeting. A shiver ran down her spine as she approached him, wondering what he might want at that moment.

With her heart pounding in her chest, Lute approached Adam, feeling a mix of nervousness. She knew that what would come next would be important, that she would have to face the consequences of her actions and answer for what she had done.

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