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The demon arched an eyebrow with amusement as he listened to Lute's declaration. His demeanor was infused with a mischievous air, as if he were enjoying the young woman's bewilderment. She asked him if he was named like her beloved.

The demon, with a mocking smile, responded to Lute's question with a mischievous spark in his fiery eyes.

"Yes, indeed, my name is Adam," he admitted with a hint of roguishness in his tone. "But here, in this realm of darkness and chaos, there is no place for angels like the one you describe."

Lute frowned, observing the demon with a mixture of astonishment and confusion. "So, you're not Adam then?" she asked with a faltering voice, seeking clarity amidst the surrounding darkness.

The demon let out a mocking laugh, his twisted smile reflecting a barely contained malice. "Oh, no, certainly not," he replied sarcastically, his eyes flashing with a mischievous spark. "I'm just a fucking sinner enjoying the pleasures of hell."

Lute was overwhelmed by a wave of disappointment, a sense of emptiness filling her heart. She had hoped to find Adam, or at least a shadow of what he once was, but instead she stood before a stranger without a face or heart.

"I understand," she murmured, trying to hide her disillusionment behind a mask of indifference. "I thought that... I thought you were someone else."

The demon gave her a mocking look, as if he could read her thoughts and relish her distress. "Sorry to disappoint you," he said with an indifferent shrug. "But here in hell, expectations are rarely met."

With a resigned sigh, Lute walked away from the demon, leaving behind the illusion of what could have been. In her heart, she knew her quest was not yet over, that the real Adam was still out there, waiting to be found in some dark and forgotten corner of hell.

She ordered a drink before leaving the bar. The liquid burned her throat as she took a long sip of the liquor, feeling the familiar warmth that comforted her amidst the confusion. However, something changed within her after the first sip. A spark ignited within her, urging her to return to the demon posing as Adam.

With steady but cautious steps, she approached the demon again, her gaze fixed on him with determination. "So, you're not Adam?" she repeated, this time with a mixture of disbelief and challenge in her voice.

The demon arched an eyebrow, seeming intrigued by the sudden change in Lute's attitude. "Damn it... I already told you, didn't I?" he replied with an indifferent shrug. "I'm not who you're looking for."

Lute held her gaze, not backing down in the face of his imposing presence. "And if you're not Adam, who are you?" she asked, her tone defiant, showing a newly discovered determination.

The demon let out a mocking laugh, as if he found the young angel's challenge amusing. "I already told you, I'm just a damn sinner, like everyone else here, just paying the price for my actions, although this place isn't half bad," he responded, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Lute frowned, unsatisfied with that answer. "I'm not talking about that," she said firmly. "I want to know who you were before you became this. What led you to hell? What made you lose your humanity?"

The demon looked at her with curiosity, as if no one had ever asked him those things before. For a moment, he seemed to consider her words, as if he were remembering a past he had buried deeply within himself.

"Who the hell was I before all this?" he muttered to himself, as if searching for the answer deep within his mind. "That's a good question."

The demon let out a sigh, as if Lute's question had led him to reflect on his own existence. "I don't know," he finally responded, with a hint of resignation in his voice. "I just appeared in front of this bar, walked in, and here I am. I have no memories of who I was before all this, or how I got to this place."

Lute frowned, feeling a pang of compassion for the demon before her. Although she was accustomed to dealing with the consequences of others' choices, this was the first time she encountered someone who seemed to have lost their identity completely.

"There must be something," she insisted, her voice full of determination. "Something that brought you to this place, something you did or experienced before all this."

The demon looked at her incredulously, as if he couldn't believe someone could care about his past. "Maybe there is, maybe there isn't," he replied with an indifferent shrug. "But right now, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm here, and here is where I'll stay."

Lute contemplated his words, feeling a mixture of frustration and curiosity. Although she wasn't sure what she expected to find by questioning the demon, she knew she couldn't leave it at that. There was something about him that intrigued her, something that compelled her to keep searching for answers, even if it meant facing the darkest mysteries of hell.

Lute tried to take his hand, but the demon abruptly pulled his hand away from Lute's, as if the simple contact caused him pain. A flash of anger crossed his eyes before he stepped away, leaving a gap between them.

"Don't touch me!" the demon exclaimed, his voice resonating with unexpected fury. "You have no idea who I am or what I've been through. You have no right to approach me like that."

Lute recoiled, surprised by the demon's reaction. She had hoped to find answers or at least a hint of sympathy, but instead she was met with a barrier of hostility that seemed impenetrable.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, her voice filled with regret. "I didn't mean to offend you, I was just... trying to help."

The demon looked at her distrustfully, as if unsure whether to believe her words or not. After a moment of tense silence, he finally sighed, as if resigning himself to set aside his momentary anger.

"It's okay," he said in a calmer tone. "I guess it's not your fault for my situation. But I don't want your help, understand? I don't need pity from anyone."

Lute nodded, accepting the demon's decision even though she disagreed with it. She knew she couldn't force her help on someone who didn't want it, but that didn't mean she would stop caring for him.

"I understand," she replied sincerely. "But if you ever need to talk or... anything, I'll be here."

The demon looked at her with surprise, as if he couldn't believe someone cared about his well-being. For a moment, it seemed like he was about to say something, but then he turned away and walked off, leaving Lute alone with her thoughts. As she got up, she realized that the demon had left a strange note on the bar.

Lute picked up the note, feeling a mixture of confusion and concern as she read the words written in bold letters. The demon's warning echoed in her mind, reminding her of the danger of the place she was in.

"It's better for you to leave. It's dangerous."

The words were clear and direct, leaving little room for interpretation. Although the demon's intention was evident, Lute couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity and concern for him. Why was he warning her in that way? What dangers lurked in this dark and sinister place?

Despite her doubts, Lute knew she had to take the demon's warning seriously. She couldn't afford to stay much longer in such a hostile and unfamiliar place. Tucking the note into her pocket, she stood up and prepared to leave the bar, aware that she needed to find a safer place to take shelter.

As she walked towards the exit, a sense of unease washed over her, reminding her of the fragility of her situation and the urgency of finding help. However, there was also a growing determination in her heart, fueled by the need to find answers and the hope of a better future.

With determined steps, Lute walked away from the bar and into the shadows of the night, ready to face whatever destiny had in store for her.

But she had left a note on the bar before leaving:

"See you tomorrow


"The sin of love" (Lute x Adam)Where stories live. Discover now