Recognize each other

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Lute meticulously prepared for her encounter with Adam. She dressed in her best armor, forged with celestial steel, and ensured that every detail of her appearance was impeccable. With her heart pounding with anticipation, she headed towards the secret portal Lilith had revealed to her.

She crossed the portal and emerged in the underworld. The air was charged with ominous energy as she ventured into the unknown territory, but Lute remained steadfast, focused on her objective.

Following Lilith's directions, Lute advanced through the dark and twisted corridors of the underworld, relying on her instincts to guide her to her destination. Despite the danger lurking in every shadow, she did not hesitate in her determination to find Adam.

Finally, she reached an imposing structure, Adam's "home" in the underworld. With her heart beating strongly in her chest, Lute prepared to confront the unknown and crossed the threshold into the interior.

Inside, she found a desolate scene. The place was shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the glow of flames dancing in torches. The silence was deafening, interrupted only by the echo of her own footsteps as she moved through the empty hallways.

Eventually, she reached a room at the heart of the structure, where she found Adam. He was seated on a dark throne, his figure shrouded in shadows as he gazed into the void before him.

Upon seeing Lute, Adam stood up, his gaze meeting hers amidst the dimness. There was a flicker of recognition in his eyes, followed by a mixture of surprise and regret.

"Lute..." Adam murmured, his voice barely audible in the room's stillness. "What are you doing here?"

Lute approached slowly, feeling the tension in the air as she faced Adam. Though nervous about what was to come, she remained firm in her mission to speak with him.

"I've come to see you," Lute said firmly, her gaze meeting Adam's. "I needed to make sure you were okay."

Adam looked at her in silence for a moment, his expression a whirlwind of emotions. For a moment, it seemed as if he was about to say something, but then he looked away, hiding his thoughts behind a mask of indifference.

"I'm fine," Adam finally responded, his voice cold and distant. "You don't need to worry about me."

Despite his words, Lute could see the pain and sadness reflected in Adam's eyes. She knew there was more to him than he was letting on, but for now, she decided not to press him.

Instead, she approached and took Adam's hand in hers, seeking comfort in the touch. Though there was distance between them, there was still a bond that united them, a bond that time and distance could not break.

"I'm here for you, Adam," Lute said softly, her gaze searching his. "If you ever need to talk or just a shoulder to lean on, I'm here."

Adam looked at her with gratitude, a glimmer of emotion crossing his dark eyes.

With a gentle gesture, Lute approached and embraced him tenderly, enveloping him in a comforting hug.

"Lute..." Adam murmured with sadness, his voice laden with regret. "You can't hug me. The celestial steel... it hurts me." He said as he quickly backed away.

Lute approached Adam cautiously, aware of the danger posed by her celestial steel armor to him, a demon. Despite her desire to comfort him, she knew that any direct contact could cause him harm.

Adam watched resignedly as Lute covered her burns with care, a constant reminder of the damage celestial steel could inflict on him. As he did so, he asked her about herself, as if getting to know her for the first time.

"The sin of love" (Lute x Adam)Where stories live. Discover now