Chapter 11 Absolutely Nothing Important

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Hello, boring chapter here. Nothing really important

"Y/n dear, this a serious topic and I think we need to talk about it. Also Hannibal, im disappointed in you. You're very intelligent and should know when and where its a good time to have intercourse." Tiffany scolded Hannibal who seemed to be unfazed yet understanding of her perspective.

Tiffany guided her to their backyard which Y/n obeyed, picking Tiffany up in the process. Y/n however kept her head down, feeling embarrassed and upset at herself for giving into temptation.

"I want you to know dear, im not mad or upset with you, im just curious. Why have sex with Hannibal when you're just a kid, you understand the consequences of your actions right?" Tiffany questioned.

"Yes, but we were careful." Y/n tried to defend herself but Tiffany wasn't buying it.

"Y/n. Sorry to change the subject, and Hannibal doesn't like me mentioning it but, he has never reproduced before." Tiffany replied which left Y/n awestruck.

"Yep, he's also a virgin, well was a virgin. Don't tell him I said that or a swear Y/n, I may look like an angel but trust me I won't hesitate to slit your throat." Tiffany waved a finger at Y/n in a joking manner which made Y/n giggle.

"Now, why don't we head on inside and we never speak of this again. Understood?" Y/n nodded before leading Tiffany back into the house, placing her gently on the floor.

Tiffany look into the glass of the sliding door to fix her hair and dress before walking to the kitchen where all the others were, standing there awkwardly. Hannibal was no where in sight, Y/n was to afraid to ask where he went.

"Dont worry, we talked about it and Y/n has now realized her wrongdoing and would like to put it behind us." Tiffany reasured everyone before sending you a wink. To break the tension, Norman offered to make breakfast, insisting that Y/n shouldent go to school hungry.

"If that bitch comes back here pregnant, I don't wanna be apart of that shit." Freddy said, earning a loud smack to the back of his head from Billy, who got a punch from Freddy right back, sending him into the wall.

"Are you kidding me Freddy, I just cleaned them! Wait till I tell Brahms about this!" Norman squealed at Freddy who rolled his eyes.

"As if I could give a damn about that little whiney bitch." Freddy threw back at Norman. "Keep talking like that to me kid, and ill give you another nightmare." Carrie was next to insult Freddy, her telekinesis making the lights flicker.

"Oh, you don't wanna piss off Carrie now Freddy dearist, she bites." Chucky insisted, Freddy and Chucky were like gossip queens and knew almost about everything about everyone. Before disaster could strike, Micheal interjected. He insisted that Y/n leave now since it was almost time for school to start and Y/n had to find a way to school from where they were.

Carrie calmed down once she knew that she would have to say goodbye to Y/n, begging Michael to walk with them since she needed to get out of the house and say goodbye.

"I don't mind Micheal, Carrie can join if she wants to. I enjoy the extra company." Y/n insisted to allowed her to come outside with them. Michael nodded and allowed Carrie to come, she placed Glen on the kitchen table where he was served eggs and bacon.

"Oh, Y/n. Here's a butter biscuit, dont want you getting hungry. See you later Y/n." Norman handed Y/n the pastry, waving goodbye before heading back to finishing making breakfast for the others.

Carrie said she'd be back to the others before holding onto Y/n's hand, swinging her arm back and forth while Michael had his hands in his pockets. Y/n noticed how he was sceptical and nervous, maybe he was scared that he'd be caught by someone.

"Michael, is everything ok, you seem anxious about something?" Y/n asked him which also caught the attention of Carrie who tilted her head to catch a glims of Michael. He brought out his notepad before scribbling the following,

You were gone for the whole day and night, don't you think that your father would be upset with you a possibly beat you again. If he knows about what happens last night and how you also skipped school, I don't even want to think about it. If he ever lays a hand on you, you know where to go, dont even hesitate to run back home. Understood.

Carrie seemed to have read the letter that Michael wrote cause she clenched Y/n's hand, starring at her with worried eyes.

"Ill be fine Michael, its nothing that I can't handle. Plus my father doesn't even care that im out and around, he never pays attention to me and you never know. He could be sleeping on the couch right now and you would be over here worrying about me being hurt." Y/n tried to laugh it off but Michael was still sceptical about he wellbeing, not trusting her father one bit.

It took Michael every ounce in his body to not snatch Y/n and walk her back home. Back home to where she belongs. But alas, he could do nothing once Carrie had let go of Y/n's hand so she could take the familiar route to school. Just 2 and a half more months till she graduated from high school, then she would be theirs. Permanently.

Just less the 2 more months, just wait.

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