Chapter 15 Attention Whore

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Hello, humans

Its quite comforting to have someone you love cuddling you, especially in tough situations. Freddy alowed his mind to wander, thinking about his past and the many mistakes he's made. Does he regret it? No, if it never happened that Y/n and him would've never met. Right?

After a quick power nap, Freddy opened his eyes to look at the wholesome view in front of him. Y/n and Freddy took up the whole couch while Glen/ Glenda was curled up in her arms. Her body so warm and soft sleeping against Freddy's, something that Freddy never wanted to end.

His knives reached up to her scalp as he began to carefully caress her head, a light massage, not hard enough to make her stir awake but enough to get a reaction out of her. With his other hand he felt the softness of her hair, so beautiful and majestic.

He lightly kissed her forehead, inhaling the sweet aroma of her hair, the smell intoxicating and savory. Freddy was never a softy when in the presence of other slashers, but when it came to Y/n she was like a rare rose in a garden of thorns and needed to stand out. Her beauty and kindness, along with her humor, was something that everyone loved and everyone adored.

As much as Freddy hated it, he knew that the others were just as infatuated with her as much as Freddy was. It annoyed him, this wouldn't last for forever. Unless... They could find a way for her to stay with them forever.

"Knock, Knock mother fucker!" Stu and Billy entered through the front door before Freddy immedeatly placed a finger against his lips, indicating for them to shut the fuck up.

Stu was quick to squeal, immediately ready to run and hug Y/n. Fortunately, Billy was quick enough to pull him back, whispering to Stu about how Y/n was in a peaceful sleeping position, needing her beauty sleep.

"Sorry!" Stu whisper yelled at Freddy who rolled his eyes in response, focusing his attention back onto Y/n who was now beginning to stir awake. Glen/ Glenda was next to yawn and stretch, waking up from the noisy entrance the boys had made.

"Hi Billy, hey Stewy." Y/n lifted herself up from Freddy's chest, still embracing Glen/ Glenda in her arms. Stu couldn't contain himself and ran over to Y/n, practically crying about how worried he was for her safety.

Much more chaos approched when Pennywise then entered, quick to teleport directly in front of Y/n, grabbing her and picking her up mid air, twirling her around and checking for any scars like a worried mother.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were. We thought you got hurt, or worse, died." Pennywise began to scold Y/n who lightly chuckled at his reaction.

"Im here now aren't I. No scars or bruises. Im perfectly fine." Y/n defended herself.

"Oh really then. Wise, lift her shirt from the back, then you'll see what happened." Freddy remarked, his back leaning against the wall in the corner with his arms crossed.

Y/n freezed mid-air while Pennywise carefully grazed his fingers against her back, his eyes widening with a Crimson color forming as he felt lumps that indicated scratch marks. His face darken as his hand still gently grazed her back. Pennywise's appearance showed horrific features yet his touch was caring and gentle across the newly found scars.

"Who did this to you Y/n." Pennywise said with no emotion, now setting Y/n back down on the floor. Y/n was terrified at this point, if she told him the truth her father would die which would cause chaos throughout the neighborhood and school, but if Y/n didn't tell Pennywise than she wouldn't know what he would do.

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