Chapter 24 Good Morning?

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Y/n jolted awake in a panic, she threw her legs aside the bed and covered her ears, crying.

"Make it stop, make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!" Y/n screamed out loud causing Will to wake up and come to her aid.

Will, noticing her current state threw the blankets off of his body and ran over to Y/n's side of the bed to do the best he could at comforting her.

"Y/n, Y/n look at me it was just a bad dream!" He grabbed Y/n's hands and pulled them away from her ears so he could try and communicate with her.

"Y/n wake up it's just a bad dream, please darling look at me! GODDAMNIT Y/N LOOK AT ME FOR FUCK SAKE!" Will lashed out in a panic only for him to get various head shakes from the female.

Will swore under his breath as he ran back over to his side of the bed, grabbed an empty cup and ran to the faucet.

He quickly turned the cold water knob and ran back to where Y/n was, now rocking back and forth, clutching her hair, and with tears streaming down her face as her eyes were seemingly closed.

"Please forgive me Y/n." Will whispered under his breath before tossing the cold liquid onto the girls face.

It seemed to have worked, Y/n let go of her head and began gasping for air. She began to look around the room frantically, noticing and recognizing the environment.

Will instantly dropped the cup and plopped down on his knees in front of Y/n. He cupped her face and looked into her e/c eyes.

"Y/N! A-are you alright, you were screaming in your sleep!" Will furrowed his eyebrows, worried for Y/n's wellbeing.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ok...just out of breath." Y/n panted, her eyes dropping as she looked down at Will who was still on the floor.

"OK! You're not just ok, Y/n you were screaming and pulling out your hair. Y/n I had to throw water on you to wake you out of your trance!" Will said.

"Oh!" Y/n exclaimed before giggling, "so that's why I'm wet. Silly me." Y/n wiped her face and turned away from Will who was flabbergasted.

Y/n laid her body on the bed as Will got into bed next to her. She smiled at him for a few seconds before bursting into tears.

Will's gaze softened as he embraced Y/n in his arms, petting her hair softly as she began to rant about what was going on.

"It was awful Will!" Y/n sniffled as Will kept his arms wrapped around her body, keeping her warm.

"I'm all ears Y/n, you can tell me anything and everything you want to talk about." He then rested his lips on her head and closed his eyes to try and calm her down.

"I saw him Will, I saw my father and he was hurting me." Will shot open his eyes and looked down to face Y/n.

"How did he hurt you?" Will asked to which Y/n responded quietly, "he tried rapping me."

"Y/n I am so sorry. I know that things like this can be tough, losing the only person you knew your entire life. Especially if they would hurt you." Will said, trying to console Y/n.

"But Will it wasn't like any normal nightmare about what he did to me!" Y/n pulled herself away from Will and sat straight up, then turning to face him. "It seemed so real, like night terrors but, different." Y/n paused before cris-crossing her legs and tuning her whole body towards him. "Ok look there was this scream."

"A scream." Will raised an eyebrow at Y/n who quickly interjected.

"Yes a scream, but it wasn't just any ordinary scream." Y/n sighed once seeing Will's frowning expression.

"Ok, so my dream started off weird, I was stuck in like a dark room but it wasn't like any room it was like a void. Then I heard that scream and then my vision materialized into a memory. It was moments after I had witnessed my mother get killed."
"I saw my younger self in a panic, it was like re-living that experience but in a 3rd persons view. Then I heard him. He dared me to help her, but in a mocking manner. But before I could keep her safe I heard the scream once more and the room materialized into a recent memory, the time where my father had rapped me that night."
"I could feel, everything. I found myself once more re-living the past, but this time it was exactly the same. Then I heard that god awful screaming again yet this time my body was like retracted back into the void and then jolted forward into a pile of my fathers blood. Last night when I witnessed his death, then all I can remember is screaming and then waking up."

Will looked at Y/n with worried eyes, his hand covering his mouth but not in a gasped expression but more in a way of a thinking matter.

"Y/n, I don't know what to say. I've had many nightmares but nothing like those before. It could possibly be just night terrors." Will shrugged his shoulders but Y/n rolled her eyes.

"No Will you don't understand, those weren't night terrors, I could feel everything, every movement every motion. Hell, I could even feel wind on my face  when I was supposedly thrown into another scenario." Y/n threw her hands in the air only for her to plop them back down on her lap.

"Look Y/n I know your upset and confused and believe me I am too but-" Will was interrupted by his alarm clock which had alerted one of the dogs to start barking only for them to be hushed.

Will sighed out in annoyance and turned off the alarm. He then faced Y/n who was still pouting angrily.

"Look we'll talk about this later ok, for now why don't you go get a shower and I'll go make some breakfast ok?" Y/n nodded and in response Will smiled in relief, kissing her on the forehead before heading to the kitchen.

Once Will left the room Y/n layer down on the bed and turned to check the time, 6:00 am. She groaned before getting up, grabbing her outfit for the day and  heading in the shower to quickly wash off.

What a weird dream

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