Chapter 22 Daddy's Angry

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Hallo my little green goblins. Your guys are probably  gonna hate me after reading this chapter, it's cringey.

===Car ride===
The car ride to Will's home was anything but calm, sure the both of them were silent but Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

She noticed the rural area Will was driving into, the both of them seeming to be out of town.

Neither of them spoke a word, Y/n was too busy looking out the window and clutching her seatbelt to even notice the slight glances that Will would give her.

As the car began to go farther and farther away from town Y/n began to get worried, breaking the silence between the both of them. "Where are we going?" She asked cautiously.

Will still kept his eyes on the road, only seconds later did he answer. "We're heading to my home. Isn't that where you're going to stay for now?" Will questioned back.

"I guess." Y/n said before turning her attention back to the window, clutching on the seatbelt even tighter.

"Well now that we're starting a conversation, tell me what we're you really doing those past two nights, because I know damn well you weren't at my house those past 2 days!" Will stated causing Y/n to clench her teeth nervously.

"What do you mean?" Y/n tried to act dumb but Will wasn't falling for it neither was he gonna let it go.

"Y/n please don't act dumb I've had a long day and I don't need to start an argument with yo-" "then don't!" Y/n interrupted Will, now facing him.

===Y/n's POV===
Again! Too many people have been accusing me of killing my own father and now Will is thinking the same.

Even if I did kill him wouldn't be easy to cover it up, whoever or whatever mauled my father was not human.

No human I know would ever think of ripping off a man's genitals and shove them in their mouth, that would be inhumane.

Not even the slashers would do something like that.

===No one's POV===
"Look, Y/n the officer said that the body was over 2 days old! I know you didn't like him but killing somebody is bad Y/-" Y/n interrupted Will once more "I NEVER KILLED THAT SON OF A BITCH OK!"

Both Will and Y/n were silent after her sudden outburst, yet Will once again started talking.

"Then why did you have to lie to the police, why did you have to lie to me?" Will said calmly, Y/n looked over to him and swore she saw tears building up in his eyes.

"Will please, I don't wanna talk about it anymore." Y/n noticed a house showing in the distance, Will's house.

"No! I want to know what happens the day your father died. Where were you? What were you doing and why did you lie?" Will cliched onto the steering wheel before continuing "Do you know how worried I was, seeing you surrounded by cop cars! At first O thought that son of a bitch did something to you and you were hurt again!" Will now had angry tears falling down his cheek, Y/n now worried for him.

"Will, I was at my relative's house, you know the one who I visited last ti-" this time it was Will who interrupted Y/n. "You must take me for a fucking joke if you think I'm gonna believe that. I didn't even believe it last time, now where were you."

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