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april 27th

It's lesson dayyyyyy! I just have the group lesson and then I am done for the day! I put on my swimsuit and head out the door. I text June and tell her that she should come down if she wants to meet them.

Once I get to the beach I wax my board and wait for them to get here. I then see two very tall men and know it's them. I wave my arm up in the air and Cailee sees me. They walk over and we quickly get started.

They definitely practiced yesterday because it is better than before. "You all look better already!" I compliment and they cheer. While Barry is riding a wave, I see June running with her surfboard and she paddles out to me.

"Hey! Mia!" She screams and she comes to a rest next to me. Cailee paddles over and I introduce her to June. They start talking and then Cailee asks us a question I never thought she would ask.

"Do you wanna hang out after this?" I look at June and she shrugs meaning she actually really wants to but has to play it off. I say yes and she claps. "Perfect! I'll tell Jacob!" She says delighted and paddles over to Jacob. I introduce June to everyone else, too.

After the lesson, we pack up our things and they ask us where we should go since we obviously live here. I tell them about this really cool lake and they agree to my idea.

time jump

I'm sitting on the dock while everyone is in the water. Jacob swims over and gets out. He sits next to me and begins talking.

"So, where you born here?" I look at him and admire his face. I shake my head and respond, "No, I moved here when I was 7 and haven't left since." I say truthfully and he looks shocked.

"Wow! That's a long time on one island. Do your parents still live here too?" I say no and how they moved a few years ago. He goes quiet for a second so I decide to ask him a few questions.

"Your accent. You're from Australia, right?" He nods and I ask where. "Brisbane." I look at him confused because I don't really know much about Australia geography.

He explains where it is and I understand now. We start talking about random things and he is nice to talk to. He is very understanding and polite. I can see why so many people like him.

three days later

@miasummers posted a new story, 04/30/24:

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