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the next day

I wake up and quickly remember where I am. I am in the bed of Jacob's truck. I am also cuddled up with him. Like this is going to help me.

I try to wiggle out but he just pulls me closer and tighter. I freeze and just when I think I am safe to move again he starts to wake up. I close my eyes and pretend I am sleeping.

I feel his head move up and he gives me a kiss on the forehead. "I can't wait to tell you." He whispered so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

What does he have to tell me?

I pretend to wake up after a minute or so and then we get going to get ready at his 'house'. I pack up my things and get in the passenger seat.

time jump

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/07/24:

seen by @jacobelordi, @polly_callas, and 300 othersliked by @jacobelordi

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seen by @jacobelordi, @polly_callas, and 300 others
liked by @jacobelordi

jacob's pov:

Ok. It's time.

mia's pov:

"Hey Mia? Can we talk?" Jacob asks and I get a little nervous as to what he might say. I haven't been avoiding him now.

"Yeah!" I respond and I sit on the couch. He follows and sits close to me. Fuck. What's he going to say. "Hey Mia, just wanted to say that I don't like you like you do and I'm going to end this so that I don't have you as a burden when I go back."

Shut up he's not going to say that.

"Hey Mia," Fuck me he is.

"I'm not going to be able to explain this very good but here we go. I think about you all the time. I know I shouldn't because I will be leaving soon and you live here, but you have made such an incredible impact on my life. I really fucking like you and I hope you feel the same." He states very confidently and I'm almost shocked at how easily that slipped out of his mouth. Damn.

"I-I like you too. I didn't know you felt the same. Actually, the reason I ignored you was because I was afraid of liking you and then you leaving and never talking to me again." I confess and he looks at me with a smile.

He leans in. I lean in. Soon enough, my lips are on his and I can't get enough. I want more, but restrain myself. Slow your roll, Mia.

He lightly moans into the kiss and now I know for sure he really wants this. We continue to kiss passionately and I never want to stop.

time jump

Everyone knows we kissed. Cailee accidentally walked in on us kissing and she apparently went and told the whole group. I'm not mad, just wish it could've been our secret for more than 5 seconds.

honey, honey (jacob elordi)Where stories live. Discover now