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may 3rd

Jacob and I are hanging out on our own today. We are going surfing for a couple hours this morning after I get off work, then going to a part of the beach that not many people know about, and after that I think we are going back to my house.

It is going to be a spontaneous day, but those are my favorite. I work by myself today. I think Jacob is going to pick me up from here but, I don't really know.

Patrizia asks me for a favor and after I finish, I sit on the stool and wait for some customers. I hear the ring of the bell and I look up to see Phoebe. I try to put on a smile but I still have what she did in the back of my mind.

"Heyyyy Mia!" She says with a definite fake smile. I smile back and don't respond until she starts talking again. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm really, really sorry for what I did to you. It was wrong of me and I totally understand why you ghosted me. If you would have me, I would love to be your friend again!" She looks at me sweetly, but I know it's all a lie.

That's how she got to me the first time. You're probably wondering what she did? It's a long story but I'll give you some details.

She befriended me while I was with my first boyfriend, Nicholas. We were friends for a while until I caught them fucking in my OWN HOUSE. She didn't even fucking apologize and just walked out hand-in-hand with him.

I completely broke off my relationship with her and him. I was so sad and scared that my next boyfriend would do that to me so I have only had one other one. AND GUESS FUCKING WHAT? He cheated on me too. Maybe I'm the problem?

"Are you listening to a word I'm saying?" Phoebe asks and I just stare at her as I respond, "To be honest Phoebe, you are a horrible fucking friend and I know the only reason you are trying to 'become friends with me' is just so you can get to Jacob. Well guess what girl, I'm not falling for your little tricks so you can get out the this shop and my life forever. GOODBYE!" I wave and she snarls at me.

"Fine, but just know that he is going to be MINE!" She screams and I roll my eyes. She turns to head out when she bumps into Jacob. Speak of the devil. Her eyes go wide and she starts spluttering.

I walk over and stand next to him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and Phoebe runs out, embarrassed by what he just heard her say. "She's an interesting one." He states and I laugh in agreement.

"Ready to go?" He asks and I nod. I tell Patrizia 'bye' and then we leave for the beach. I'm so excited!

time jump

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/03/24:

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/03/24:

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