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sunday, may 12th

I'm being blinded by a really bright light. I squeeze my eyes even tighter in hopes it will block out the sun. It doesn't.

I reach my arm over to the other side of the bed, trying to feel for Jacob. I just had the best sex of my life. Of course it was only the third time, but we don't acknowledge that.

As I continue feeling around, I realize that he isn't even on the bed. Where did he go? He must've gotten up to get ready. I get up and head to the kitchen, expecting him to be sitting there eating breakfast.

When I get to the empty kitchen, I'm confused. "Jacob?" I call out multiple times with no reply. I go back to my bedroom and see a note on my bedside table. Oh no.

I pick it up and it reads:

Good morning Mia,

I'm sorry to leave you like this after that amazing night. You are sleeping so peacefully so I don't want to wake you up. I just want to say 'Goodbye' and thank you for an amazing three weeks!

With love,

I don't notice I'm crying till I see the drops on the letter. That is what gets me and now I am hysterically crying on the edge of my bed. Great! Another boy who left me.

I call up June and Polly and they get here as soon as possible. "I just wish he would've waken me up so I could've said goodbye! Why did he have to leave like that?" I sob and now I feel really guilty for making them listen to my dramatics.

"Don't worry Mia! He will be back and you will live happily ever after!" Polly said hopefully and I want to smack her.

"No, he won't. Don't you get that?! I'm stupid because I thought that this was something more but now he is going to go back home, find a new girl, and forget about me. This was just some stupid fling and I need to let it go." I get up out of their embrace and walk to the bathroom to clean up.

@merliahsummers posted a new story, 05/12/24:

@merliahsummers posted a new story, 05/12/24:

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seen by @pollypocket, and 18 others

one week later

I'm over him. He doesn't need me and I don't. need him.

I am happy now and that's all that matters. He can live his life the way he wants but I'm done.

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/20/24:

seen by @polly_callas, @kalebtrekk, and 278 othersliked by 20 users

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seen by @polly_callas, @kalebtrekk, and 278 others
liked by 20 users

@miasummers blocked @jacobelordi
@miasummers blocked @caileespaeny
@miasummers blocked @archmadekwe
@miasummers blocked @alisonjoliver
@miasummers blocked @keoghan92
@miasummers blocked @phoebe.aetos

greece trip🇬🇷

can you all see mia's instagram?
cause i can't

no i was wondering the same
she normally posts often so i was confused and then when i searched her name it didn't pop up

yeah same



what did you do jacob?

heyyyyy why do you think i did something?

because you were the one that slept with her the night before we left

no. all i didn't was leave her a note in the morning because i wanted her to sleep well

andddd there it is

what's wrong?

you don't sleep with her and then not even say goodbye to her in person
you fucked up

shit really?


authors note:
do you think mia is overreacting??

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