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tuesday, may 28th

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/28/24:

seen by @polly_callas, and 420 othersliked by @junebogman

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seen by @polly_callas, and 420 others
liked by @junebogman

I'm so nervous.

You're probably wondering how I know where he lives? Well, he gave me his address in case we ever wanted to hang out.

So tomorrow, I will be going to see him. I am going to take a nap now and then get some food after. This bed looks very comfy and cozy. Hopefully I'm not a cranky mess in the morning—or have to throw up.

@merliahsummers posted a new story to close friends, 05/28/24:

@merliahsummers posted a new story to close friends, 05/28/24:

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seen by @sixthmonth, and 3 others
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@miasummers posted a new story, 05/28/24:

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/28/24:

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seen by @kalebtrekk, @adoniss.ariti, and 396 others
liked by 7 users

the next day

I wake up bright and early. I order room service and again; it was absolutely delicious. I am going out before I go to his house. I want to have fun before I may or may not get my heart broken.

I change into a cute white, flowery top with white pants. I grab my bag and walk out of the room. Time to go shopping!

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/29/24:

seen by @junebogman, and 432 othersliked by @polly_callas and 10 others

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seen by @junebogman, and 432 others
liked by @polly_callas and 10 others

I take a quick stop at a coffee shop for a little snack and drink. I order my favorite coffee and sit as I wait for it to be ready.

Marinara Jalapeño Pizza

hey guys! i'm at a coffee shop rn and im going shopping for a few course before i go to his house. just letting you know❤️

ok!! thanks and good luck❤️we loveeee you

have fun shopping too😊

lol i will🫶🏼

"Mia! Your order is ready!" I hear my name being called and I get up to grab my things. I sit back down as I hear the bell ring, signaling new customers.

I lay no mind and continue eating and drinking my—actually very good—coffee and cake. I finish up and leave the shop. I get pretty far down the street when I realize that I forgot my bag on my chair.

I rush back to the store and head to my table. I spot my bag and pick it up. As I leave for the second time, I hear a semi-familiar voice. I look around for the owner and spot them.

HOLY SHIT! That's Jacob!

I get excited(nervous too) and start to walk towards him when a girl comes up to him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. He hugs her and they smile and laugh together.

He doesn't notice me as they go and sit down at a table together. I am standing in shock at what I am witnessing. He moved on that fucking fast?

I turn around and speed walk out of the shop as my eyes begin to get watery. I try to wipe them away, but they just keep falling. I run back to the hotel which thankfully wasn't too far and rush into my room. I immediately call Polly, knowing she is with June.

"Mia? What's up?" Polly asks and I think she can hear me crying. "It's over! He already has a new girl! I saw him in a coffee shop with some girl and they were kissing and hugging!" I sob into the phone and I'm not even sure they can hear me.

"Oh that little fucker!!! I'm going to fly over there and fuck him up!" June yells through the phone and I laugh a bit. I try to be positive, but it still hurts.

"It's okay! I'm going to have my baby and we are going to be happy without him!" I say with unsure positivity. I hear one of them sigh from the other end and I can tell they don't believe me.

"Alright. Come home soon, okay? And we can watch as much bad television as we want. We can also eat as much bad food as we want because you are going to be eating for two." They say and I appreciate them so much. They are the best friends I could ask for.

I'm obviously upset, but maybe this is for the better? I mean, he is incredibly popular and a baby will just drag him down. It's better this way.


@miasummers posted a new story, 05/29/24:

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/29/24:

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seen by @lukebarros, @carmen.galanis, and 375 others

authors note:
what do you have to say to jacob??😤

honey, honey (jacob elordi)Where stories live. Discover now