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may 6th

Over the coarse of these almost three weeks that I have known and hung out with Jacob, I can admit that I am falling for him. He is just one of the nicest guys I know. He probably doesn't feel the same so I am trying to dig it in deep so he doesn't find out.

The entire group is hanging out again today so hopefully I can successfully avoid him! I feel bad but I know that if I can do this I won't fall for him any more.

time jump

We are 7 hours into hanging out and I have not talked to him once! Anytime he tries to talk, I make an excuse and walk away.

I am now laying on my beach towel and reading a book. Jacob is in the water with everyone and it's nice to see them have fun.

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/06/24:

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/06/24:

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seen by @kalebtrekk, and 287 others

I go back to my book and soon I hear someone get out of the water and run up towards me. I don't pay any mind to it, believing that it is just June grabbing a drink.

"Hey Mia, can we talk?" I hear an accented voice say and I already know who it is. Jacob sits next to me and I look over at him and nod my head.

"I just want to know why you have been avoiding me. I mean, we've hung out a bunch these past two weeks and now all of a sudden you're ignoring me? What's wrong? Am I doing something wrong?" He asks while he looks sad and confused. I feel really guilty.

FUCK! I shouldn't have done that.

I sit up and try to explain without telling him I like him. "Umm... I-I-I don't know. I guess I just thought it would be easier when you left if I distanced myself from you. It was stupid. I'm sorry I made you feel that way." I say truthfully but not with full detail.

"Oh. It's okay. You know we can still talk after I leave, right? I'm not just going to ghost you." He laughs and I slightly laugh too. "So, we're good?" He confirms and I nod with a smile.

"Perfect! Now... I believe it's time for you to get up and join me in the water." I shake my head but he doesn't listen. He picks up and drags me into the ocean.

@caileespaeny posted a new story, 05/06/24:

@caileespaeny posted a new story, 05/06/24:

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