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april 25th


@miasummers posted a new story, 04/25/24:

seen by @lukebarros, @alexdoukas, and 284 othersliked by 4 users

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seen by @lukebarros, @alexdoukas, and 284 others
liked by 4 users

After laying awake in my bed for six minutes, I finally decide to get up. I need to do some things at the shop before I head to the water. I only have 3 lessons today; two of my regulars are unable to come. The little group is my last lesson of the day, so after I'm done with them I can go to June's house.

Once I'm at the beach, I see Alana waiting for me. I run over and greet her and her dad. She's 13 and is getting really good!

"Alright Alana! Ready to crush some waves?!" I excitedly ask and she nods as we paddle out. She does a few practice waves and I tell her some things she needs to continue working on. She fixes one of them during her lesson and it improved her so much!

@alana.fuller posted a new story, 04/25/24:

seen by @miasummers, @rebeccafuller, and 52 othersliked by @miasummers

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seen by @miasummers, @rebeccafuller, and 52 others
liked by @miasummers

I just finished my second lesson and now I have about 30 minutes until I need to be back. I go to my favorite lunch spot and they serve the most amazing food. They aren't big portions, so I will normally go here before I go surfing.

"Hey Mia! Glad to see you back! The normal?" Agatha—the owner—asks me. I confirm and it comes out super fast.

I take a bit longer than usual and realize I have to leave RIGHT NOW. I grab all of my things and sprint out the door, yelling goodbye to Agatha.

Once I'm at the beach, I throw my things down and grab my surfboard. I see the familiar faces of the people who just came in yesterday. I also see one other person that I didn't see yesterday.

I take notice that two of the men are very tall. That's going to be a little troubling when trying to learn how to surf. I approach the group and try to grab their attention. "Excuse me! Um... helloooo?" I quietly say and wave my hand because no one was looking at me. Well, this is embarrassing.

I finally just tap one of them on the shoulder. He turns around and everyone turns their attention to me. The one I tapped on the shoulder hasn't stopped looking at me and I can't help but think he looks familiar and—frankly—hot as fuck. Keep calm and carry on, Mia.

I begin my usual introductory speech, "Hi! My name is Mia and I will be your surf instructor today! If everyone could tell me their name, if they have ever surfed before, and what their height is please!" I say encouragingly.

(pls don't judge at the fact that i don't know much about surfing. kinda just making this up🫣)

They tell me their height and that they have never surfed before. I turn my head to the guys that I tapped on the shoulder and wait for his reply.

"Oh, sorry. My name is Jacob and I already know how to surf." Jacob said. Fuck, he is actually beautiful. I nod in realization and bring them over to the surfboards.

I pick out different beginner surfboards specific to their heights. I grab my more beginner surfboard knowing it would be easier to teach them on a similar board.

"Ok! Let's go near the water and I will teach you how to get up." We all walk over and Jacob just heads straight for the water. I don't blame him because I would probably do the same.

little time jump

"Hey! Looking good guys! Hahahaha" Jacob says, obviously sarcastically because they aren't doing too good. Actually, Barry is doing really well; not so much everyone else though.

Oh yeah! I figured out why they look familiar. IT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE LITERALLY THE CAST OF SALTBURN AND PRISCILLA!!

I'm dumb.

Archie flips him off and I laugh. I think he mumbles something under his breath about not living in Australia. Touché.

@alisonjoliver posted a new story, 04/25/24:

seen by @caileespaeny, @jacobelordi, and 173k othersliked by 10k users

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seen by @caileespaeny, @jacobelordi, and 173k others
liked by 10k users

jacob's pov:

Fuck. Mia is gorgeous and I can't get her out of my head. She is so good at surfing and it makes her even better.

I want to hangout with her soooo bad. Hopefully Cailee will ask her because she said she wants to be friends with her.

We start to get really hungry and I made the impulsive decision to ask Mia about where we should eat. "Oh my goodness! Such a hard question!" She then goes on to list about 10 different places and what's good about them.

I'm a little overwhelmed to say the least. I remember a few though, so we're good. Sadly, we have to leave so we all say our goodbyes. Not before Cailee speaks up and says; "Wait! Can I have your number so we can communicate and maybe hangout one day?"

Mia nods enthusiastically and gives it to her. We leave and my stomach twists at the thought of seeing her again. Fuck, I literally just met her. Why am I reacting this way?

@miasummers posted a new story, 04/25/24:

@miasummers posted a new story, 04/25/24:

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seen by @june.bogman, @polly_callas, and 294 others
liked by @june.bogman


@polly_callas heyyyy😔😔

@june.bogman i'm the best ever😌😌

authors note:
they met😝

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