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"Oh fuck!"

Mia widens her eyes and puts Isla back in the house. She cracks the door and glares at me. "Don't say that! She can't be learning bad language at this age!" She scolds and I apologize.

Then she gets another look of guilt and I know what she's realized. She knows I know.

"I'm sorry, Jacob. I-I really am. I-" She pauses and I notice tears start to stream down her face. "I wanted to tell you, so I flew to Brisbane after I found out." Fuck I realize where she's going with this. "I was in a coffee shop and I had forgotten my bag so I went in and there you were. You were laughing, and hugging, and kissing this new girl. I thought you had forgotten about me. So... I left the next day and I never contacted you again." She sniffles and wipes her nose.

"Shit. I should've just never gone on a date with her. I regret it. I miss you too much. So, why did you block all of us? Was it because of me leaving?" She nods. Fuckkkkkk me.

"Yeah...now that I look back on it, it was dumb. I thought that when you left you wanted space. I shouldn't have blocked you, or anyone." She confessed. I shouldn't have left, though. I'm STUPID.

"Do you...want to come in?" I look up at her hopefully and she nods her head towards the door. I confirm and we go inside.

Isla runs up to Mia and puts her arms up. "Goodness, baby, you're startin' to get heavy!" She laughs and Isla just giggles in her mom's arms. I smile at them both and go to sit on the couch.

"Whas your name?" Isla says cutely as I chuckle at her voice. "My name is Jacob." I say with looking down at her. She smiles and goes back to playing with her toys.

Mia comes over to sit and looks at me seriously. "What do you want now? You now know you have a daughter so are you going to be in her life or not? If not, it's fine because she's lived two years without you." She twiddles her thumbs as she looks at me expectantly. "Sorry I'm so direct." Mia adds quickly.

I think for a moment—just a moment, not longer. "I really want to be in her life. I want to be in your life." I speak the truth and look at her. I can tell she is scared; I am too.

"Ok." She gets up and sits next to Isla. Mia waves me over and I sit next to her. "Isla, baby, this is your daddy." She says softly while she runs her hands through the girls hair.

Isla looks up at me for a second, then stands up. I get nervous, but she walks over and gives me a hug. I slowly hug her back as she whispers, "Hi Daddy!" I melt right then and there. I will protect this little girl forever.

@merliahsummers posted a new story, 02/27/27:

seen by @pollypocket, @sixthmonth, and 13 others

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seen by @pollypocket, @sixthmonth, and 13 others

time jump

We spent the rest of the day hanging out and it was nice. I'm going to have to buy some more clothes because I am already running out.

Mia actually said I could stay the night here. I figured it would take her some time to warm up to me again, but maybe she is trying to accept me quicker.

mia's pov:

I didn't realize how much I missed him. Fuck! I hate myself for letting him in so easily, but Isla needs a dad. I am only giving him one more chance.

It's really nice to see him back. HE'S SO HOT WHEN HE PLAYS WITH ISLA! He is absolutely a DILF. I'm sorry; I should stop.

I finish getting myself and Isla ready for bed. I kiss her goodnight and go into my room. I lay in my bed for a while before I get up and go in front of Jacob's room. I shouldn't be here.

I quietly knock and then immediately regret it. Shit, I'm gonna leave. Just as I turn around, the door opens. I whip my body back around and see Jacob standing through the cracked door.

"Hey." He says and I move my hair as I say it back. "Umm do you-ugh-can you sleep with me?" I nervously ask him with my head down.

His pointer finger comes to my chin and he tips my head up to face his. Hot. "Yeah, of course." We walk to my room and get in bed. Certain memories pop into my mind and suddenly I'm just a bit horny. STOP MIA.

I turn my back to his, but he doesn't like that. He pulls me in and rests his arm on my waist. I am so comfortable that I quickly fall asleep. Just before I am completely knocked, I feel his hand come up to my cheek. He strokes it and softly whispers, "I'm so happy. Thank you, Mia."

the next day

@ohlordy posted a new story, 02/28/27:

@ohlordy posted a new story, 02/28/27:

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liked by @merliahsummers

@miasummers unblocked @jacobelordi
@miasummers unblocked @alisonjoliver
@miasummers unblocked @keoghan92
@miasummers unblocked @caileespaeny
@miasummers unblocked @archmadekwe

authors note:
also sorry for not being very consistent with my updates😬

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