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february 26th

@jacobelordi posted a new story, 02/26/27:

@jacobelordi posted a new story, 02/26/27:

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seen by @keoghan92, and 3.87 million others

I just landed and now I am heading to my Airbnb. It's pretty late and I really want to go to sleep. I trudge through the door and flop to the bed. I get ready as fast as possible and then hop in bed. Tomorrow should be interesting.

time jump

@miasummers posted a new story, 02/27/27:

@miasummers posted a new story, 02/27/27:

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seen by @lukebarros, @junebogman, and 410 othersliked by 11 users

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seen by @lukebarros, @junebogman, and 410 others
liked by 11 users

I squint from the light as I wake up from sleeping like the dead. After my eyes adjust, I get up and get ready. I can't wait to see her again. I just hope she still feels the same. It's been so long that she could've already moved on.

I eat breakfast and head to the beach first, thinking she is there for surf lessons. My feet touch the hot sand and I try to look for her long blonde hair. I walk around for about an hour before I realize that she is definitely not here.

I walk to the shack thinking she could be there. I love it here. It is so beautiful. I finally reach the shop and enter. I see some guy that looks pretty familiar, but I can't remember why.

"Hey! Is Mia here?" I ask and he looks me up and down. He shakes his and continues working. I scoff at his attitude and then ask, "Do you know where she is, then?" He rolls his eyes before he answers. "I think her house?" I thank him and walk out. Rude fucker.

It takes me ten minutes to walk to her house. I stop on her driveway and take a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." I whisper and make my way to her front porch.

I knock almost as soon as I get there because I'm too afraid I will chicken out. I hear her yell "Coming!" and I patiently wait. My hands are shaking a bit.

I hear footsteps getting closer and closer. The door finally opens and I can tell Mia is expecting someone else. She smiles but as her eyes meet mine her smile drops. She doesn't say a word as she stares. I think she's a bit in shock.

I give an awkward wave and say, "Hey!" She suddenly blinks rapidly and shakes her head. "Hi." She breathes out and doesn't make a move to let me in. I don't blame her.

"So...ummm. Shit. Ok. I'm really fucking sorry that I left you that day. I regretted it immediately and I should've gone back. I have thought about you everyday and I still like you. Fuck, I might even love you." I confess and Mia's eyes widen when I say "love".

"What about that girl?" She blurts out and I can see she regrets it. I look confused and then remember. "Oh Jess? I tried to get over you with her, but it didn't go past one date." I say and she almost looks relieved but still stiffens.

Mia bites her bottom lip and keeps looking behind her; almost like she is waiting for something—or someone. "Ok! Well it was nice seeing you again!" She starts to close the door but I stop it with my hand. I'm upset and quickly ask her if she feels the same.

"I-" She starts but gets cut off by someone speaking. "Mommy! Mommy?!" I hear while little feet pad toward us. A little girl comes into view and I suck in a breath.

Mia turns around and picks up the girl. I want to ask so many questions but only a few come to mind. "What's her name?" I ask and Mia almost looks guilty. "Isla May." She says and I want to say how beautiful that name is, but I can't form the words.

"How old is she?" I question and I didn't think Mia could look more guilty, but she somehow does. As I stare at Mia, I see Isla in the corner of my eye. She brings one hand up and does the peace sign. Oh fuck, I'm stupid. She's saying she is two years old. "Yeah, she just turned two."

I think for a moment and realize something. I left almost three years ago. We had sex the night before I left and if my calculations are correct that would mean that Isla is my-

"Oh fuck!"

authors note:

honey, honey (jacob elordi)Where stories live. Discover now