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may 23rd

I haven't been feeling very good recently. I think I got something from one of my students because her mom called a few days after her lesson and said she was sick. I just hope this goes away because I have thrown up twice already.

I am starting my period tomorrow so I'm going to have sickness and cramps all together. WONDERFUL!

I start feeling better around one so I decide to go lay out and hopefully the sun with make me feel better.

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/23/24:

seen by @junebogman, @lukebarros, and 284 others

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the next day

I wake up in the morning, expecting my period to ruin my day. Instead, I feel nauseous and run to the bathroom. Well that's weird.

I then remember that I forgot to take my birth control the night with Jacob. Ohhhhh fuck me. I get dressed as fast as I can and rush to the pharmacy to get a test. Please be negative!

I get back to my house and immediately take it. I wait for the agonizingly long 2 minutes to be up. My timer scares me when it goes off and I take a deep breath as I get up from the toilet. I flip the test over and look down.

Shit. Fuck. Damn. Any other word to describe this moment.

I'm pregnant.

With Jacob's baby.

What am I going to do?

@merliahsummers posted a new story, 05/24/24:

@merliahsummers posted a new story, 05/24/24:

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seen by @junebogman, and 46 others

Marinara Jalapeño Pizza

guys... i need to tell you something.
come to my house in 10 minutes pls

ok fuck

k babe we will be there

10 minutes later

They rush in my house and have a seat on my coach. They immediately notice my tear stains and ask what's wrong. I look at them and almost break down again.

"I'm pregnant and it's Jacob's." I say and then cry again. "What do I do?" They both come over and hug me tightly while rubbing my back.

"Well, we will be there for you no matter what!" June says positively and I thank her. Polly is staring off into space and I ask her what she thinks.

"I know you are going to hate for this, but I think you should tell him." My eyes almost bug out of my head as I stare at Polly. June nods and agrees with her.

I know they are right. I'm just scared of what he is going to do. Will he leave me? Will he love me and our baby?

I look at them both and say, "You're right. But I need to do it in person. I can't really tell him that he is going to have a kid over text." They both nod and I start to look at flights.

"Are you happy? To have a baby I mean." Polly asks and I look over at her while I think for a second. I nod, "Yes, but I am very scared to be honest."

I finally decide that I will be going to see him on Tuesday. That gives me about three days to prepare. Fuck.

I can't believe that I will be leaving this island. I have only left twice and both were to see my parents.

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/24/24:

@miasummers posted a new story, 05/24/24:

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seen by @lukebarros, @carmen.galanis, and 308 others
liked by 4 users

authors note:
what's going to happen when she sees him?

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