valentines day | r.r.

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You were woken up in the morning to Renee placing kisses on your neck. You let out a content hum as you subconsciously tilted your head up before slowly opening your eyes. She rubbed up and down your naked stomach and smiled when you made eye contact with her.

"Renee." You smiled and placed your hand on hers.

"Good morning, princess. Happy Valentines Day." She said.

"Happy Valentines Day." You replied.

"I made breakfast for us." Renee told you. "Get dressed and come and eat."

"Can you bring it to me? I'm too sore." You said.

Renee smirked and playfully rolled her eyes as she left the room. She came back quickly with two plates that had waffles and fruit on it and two mugs with coffee in it. She put her plate and mug on the bedside table and sat next to you in bed.

You picked up your shirt from off the floor and put it on. She handed you your plate and mug and you took it with a smile.

"Smells delicious." You said and then took a bite of the waffle. "And tastes delicious."

Renee smiled at you before she picked up the tv remote. "What movie do you wanna watch?"

"Let's watch the Barbie movie." You suggested.

Renee chuckled and put it on. "Okay. Where should we go for dinner tonight?"

"We should go to the steakhouse down the road. I've been craving steak for some reason." You said.

"Perfect." Renee said as she picked up her phone. "I'll make reservations." 

Later that night, Renee walked into your room, all dressed and ready for dinner. You separated your ponytail and lightly pulled on your hair to tighten it.

"Wow, you look hot." Renee smirked as she walked over to you.

You were wearing a black tube top with a tight skirt. Your hair was in a high ponytail and you were wearing black converse sneakers.

You placed your hands on your hips and smoothed out your skirt as you looked at your outfit. "Thanks, babe. You look hot too."

She was wearing baggy black and white cargo pants, a black bralette, a black see through top over that, and a black sleeveless jacket.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked.

You nodded and she held out her hand. You laced your fingers with hers and placed your hand on her bicep, both of you walking out of the apartment.

When you guys got back home, you went straight into the fridge and took out the ice cream. You put some in a bowl for the both of you and then put on your love songs playlist. You ate your ice cream together and talked.

"I got you a present." Renee said.

"Really? I got you something to." You smiled and walked into the living room. "I hid it in the living room so you wouldn't find it."

You took out a necklace box from behind a book and went back into the kitchen. You handed it to her and she took it with a smile. She opened it up to reveal a gold chain necklace with your first initial as the charm.

"I love it." Renee told you as she put the necklace on.

You reached into your jacket pocket and pulled out the same necklace with the letter R on it. "And I got one with an R for me to wear so that we can match."

"That's so cute. Are you ready for you gift?" Renee asked.

You nodded and she reached into her back pocket, pulling out a ring box and getting down on one knee. You smiled as you placed your hands over your mouth.

"Oh my god." You said.

"y/n, the day we met I had no idea that you would be the best thing to ever happen to me. You were my best friend, then my girlfriend, and now, hopefully, my fiance." Renee opened up the ring box. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes." You nodded, your eyes glossed over.

Renee let out a breath as she stood up and took the ring out of the box. You held out your hand and Renee put the ring on your finger. You wrapped your arms around her neck and buried your face in her neck as you let out tears of joy. Renee kissed your head as she hugged you back.

"I love you, Renee."

"I love you more, baby."

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