behind the scenes | s.c.

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You were visiting Sabrina on the set of her music video for Espresso. You walked over to her and wrapped your arms around her neck, hugging her from the side. You kissed her on the cheek as she talked to the director. 

When she finished talking to the director, she wrapped her arm around your waist and looked at you. You smiled as you looked into her blue eyes.

"Hi, my love." Sabrina smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm good." You said as you tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Sabrina replied.

"You excited?" You asked her with a small giggle.

"Yeah. I think my manager wants me to film a behind the scenes." Sabrina said as she pulled out a camera. "She gave me this."

"Fun." You replied.

"Wanna be in it?" She looked at you.

"Sure." You smiled.

Sabrina turned on her camera. "Hey guys, it's- oh my god, its so fucking bright."

You giggled and placed your hand above her eyes, blocking the sun so that she could see. "Better?"

"So much. Um, hey!" She said to the camera causing you to laugh. "It's Sabrina and we are on set for my music video, Espresso."

"Yay." You said causing Sabrina to smile.


You laid down next to Sabrina on a towel. She had her camera in her hand, filming a part for her behind the scenes. You scooted closer to her so that you could be in frame.

"We're shooting some- some headreography." Sabrina said and you furrowed your eyebrows. "We're shooting some headography."

"Wrong website, Sab." You told her.

Sabrina laughed. "I know it sounds really dirty."


"Woah, woah, woah, woah." Sabrina repeated, just to be annoying, as you tried to fix her lip gloss.

"Shut the fuck up!" You ordered.

She quickly shut her mouth, letting you fix her makeup as she side eyed the camera.


You sat across from Sabrina with her camera in your hand. She looked at you, puckering her lips as you zoomed in.

"You look like a barbie." You told her. "What's your job?"

"My job is beach." She responded and you laughed at her answer.


Sabrina shivered as she wrapped herself in a towel. She just had to dunk herself in a pool of freezing water.

"How was that water dunk?" You asked as you filmed her.

"Hey, um, why don't we just cut to some instrumental elevator music for this part." She smiled.

You turned off the camera and set it down on the table beside you before you wrapped your arms around her, trying to warm her up.

"You're gonna get all wet." Sabrina said to you.

"I don't care. Better than you getting sick from being so cold." You responded as you placed your hand on her cheek and kissing her.


You and Sabrina laid down on a towel in the sand. She had a ten minute break so the both of you spent it cuddling.

You placed your hand on her heart as you rested your head on her collarbone. She wrapped her arms around your waist and kissed the top of your head. You lifted your leg on her waist as you looked up at her.

"I don't want you to go back to filming." You told her.

"I know, baby." Sabrina softly said, leaning in to kiss on you on the lips.

You moved to straddle her waist, placing your hands on her lower stomach and leaning down to kiss her again.

"You look so pretty." You told her.

"You look prettier." She placed her hands on your bare hips since you were wearing a bikini.

"Not possible!" You smiled.

Sabrina turned her head as someone walked up to you both with the camera that Sabrina was using for her behind the scenes. You looked over, smiling at the camera as Sabrina slid her hands down to your thighs.


"I'm working late cause I'm a singer. Oh, she looks so cute wrapped around my finger." You sang as you scrolled through Instagram on your phone.

"Nice singing, babe." Sabrina complimented.

You looked up to see her filming you. "Stop it!" You smiled and blushed as you covered your face.


"How do I look hot while getting arrested?" Sabrina asked, making eye contact with you instead of the camera you were holding.

"Just be yourself. You always look hot." You smiled.

Sabrina quickly wrapped her arms around you causing you to squeal. You giggled as you shut off the camera and hugged her back.

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