please please please | s.c.

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"Hey. Watch it." You told the cops as they forced you out of their cop car.

You were born and raised into the New York City mafia. Once your father was killed in action, the job of running it got handed over to you. You were pretty good at running it and had never gotten caught...until now.

You were on a mission and a hot undercover cop seduced you and you ended up confessing everything to her. Now here you were getting ushered into the police station.

Your hands were cuffed behind your back and two cops were harshly holding onto you to make sure that you weren't going to escape. It was pretty stupid since you were already in jail and there was nowhere you could run to.

As you approached a cell, you glanced over to your left to see Sabrina, your ex-girlfriend, watching at you. She was wearing this sparkly top that looked like a disco ball and she had on a full face of makeup like she was going clubbing.

Sabrina was the only one who knew about your job. When you both first started dating she was very passionate and supportive of you but over time it got hard to deal with.

You only broke up about six months ago and that was because after you got shot once and almost died, Sabrina couldn't handle it anymore. She hated watching you leave for work every morning and wondering if you would make it home to her that night.

The both of you had never gotten over each other and even though you never talked to each other, you still thought about each other every night and day. 

You stopped in your tracks to look at Sabrina. Sabrina felt a wave of relief wash over her when she saw you. It was nice for her see and know that you were still alive.

Sabrina knew how serious you took being the mafia boss and she was shocked to you getting arrested. Although the sight of you handcuffed and being pushed by the police did turn her on a little bit.

You gave her a small smile and she returned it just as you got shoved into your cell.

While you were playing cards during your free time the next day, a guard had come up to you to tell you that you had a visitor. You were confused since all your family was killed in action and you never had any time for friends.

When you got to the window you noticed that it was Sabrina. You sat down on the stool and picked up the phone, putting to your ear. Sabrina did the same and the two of you started to talk.

"Hey." You greeted her.

"Hi." She replied. "Never thought that we would meet up again like this."

"What, you mean in a prison with a bullet proof glass in between us?" You joked.

Sabrina chuckled. "Yeah. You always took your job so seriously so I was shocked when I saw you walk in here handcuffed."

"And what were you doing in here Miss Carpenter?" You asked with a small smirk.

"A night out got a little too crazy." She told you.

"Oh. With, uh- With a girl?" You asked not knowing if you wanted the real answer.

Sabrina smiled and shook her head. "No. If we're being honest I'm not completely over you."

"I'm not over you either. I think about you all the time." You said, looking into her eyes. "I miss you like crazy, Sab. I know we weren't the perfect couple but you were still the love of my life."

"I hate myself for walking out on you." Sabrina confessed. "I wish I never did. I still love you, y/n, I promise. I never stopped."

"I still love you, too. I got one of my buddies to bail me out so I'm being released tomorrow. You wanna go out?" You asked her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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