so american | o.r.

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y/n's pov

Olivia and I have been dating for almost five months and though we were long distance, our relationship was going extremely well. The two of us met in the summertime when I was walking into a cafe in New York and bumped into her. She ended up spilling her coffee on herself and I felt bad so I bought her another one.

I asked for her number and we actually became very close that I asked her out a week and a half later. We went on a couple dates and I asked her to be my girlfriend. But I was only staying in America for a few weeks because I was filming a movie. 

Now, I was flying from London to America to surprise her. I knew she had been stressed while recording her new music so I decided to fly out there to make her feel better. I've been planning it for a couple days and even got her best friends involved in it. 

When I retrieved my luggage, I texted Iris and she said she was waiting for me outside. When I found her, I gave her a hug and put my bags in the trunk before she started driving to her apartment that she shared with Olivia.

"I'm so glad that we're doing this." Iris said. "Liv has been really stressed and she misses you a lot."

I smiled. "I miss her too. It's been almost three months since I last saw her."

"She talks about you a lot." Iris told me. "Almost every single conversation I've had with her has you involved in it."

When I arrived at Olivia and Iris' apartment, Iris unlocked the door and we walked in. I put my suitcase by the door and looked around the apartment.

"I think Liv is in her room." Iris said.

I nodded and took off my jacket, hanging it up on the hook before walking over to Olivia's room. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

"Come in." Olivia shouted from the other side of the door.

Olivia's pov

I was sitting at my desk and writing a song when there was a knock on my bedroom door. I figured it was Iris coming back from wherever she went.

"Come in." I shouted.

I heard my door open and then close. There was a few seconds of silence before she cleared her throat and spoke.


I can recognize that accent anywhere. I quickly dropped my pencil and stood up, turning to face y/n. I smiled and ran over to her, jumping in her arms.

"Hey, darling." y/n softly said as she hugged me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"I knew you were stressed about your music so I thought I'd fly out here to make you feel better." y/n replied.

I blushed. "You flew 8 hours just to help me not be stressed?"

y/n nodded. I smiled at her before I quickly leaned in and placed my lips on hers.

y/n looked around my room before she walked over to my desk. "You writing a new song?" She asked placing her hand on my paper and starting to read it.

"I am." I ran and quickly stood in front of her, blocking her view from the paper. "But you're not allowed to see it yet."

"Why? Is it about me?" She smirked.

"Maybe." I smiled.

y/n let out a laugh as she looked into my eyes. "You should take a break from writing. Let's go get some food."

"Okay." I took her hand and started pulling her out of my room. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Anywhere. As long as i'm eating with you, it'll be fine." y/n said causing me to blush again.

Oh god, I'm gonna marry her if she keeps this shit up.

We got in the car and I started to drive to my favorite place to eat. y/n placed her hand on my thigh and I could feel her cold hands through my pants. I glanced over at her when I felt her eyes on me. She had her feet resting on the dashboard.

"You look pretty in my clothes, Liv." She told me.

She's like a poem I wish I wrote.

I looked down at what I was wearing. I was wearing one of her sweatpants that she left in my apartment the last time she visited and I was also wearing one of her sweatshirts.

"Thanks, baby." I replied. "Are you used to being on the right side of the road yet?"

y/n shrugged. "Every time I come back I have to get used to it again. So where are we going to eat?"

"Chick Fil A." I said and y/n chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing." y/n shook her head. "You're just so American, Liv."

"I wonder why." I smiled.

Oh god, it's just not fair of her to make me feel this much. I might just be in love.

When we got to Chick Fil A we went up to the counter. The lady took our orders and we waited on the side for our food. When the food was ready, y/n took the tray and walked around to find a seat. I just followed her.

"Where do you wanna sit?" y/n asked as she turned to me.

"Um." I looked around, spotting a nice booth by the window. "Let's go sit over there."

We sat down at the booth and started to eat our food. y/n and I talked about anything and everything. Since I haven't seen her in so long I wanted her to tell me everything that's been going on in her life.

"Do you want to hear a construction joke?" I asked y/n.

"Sure." y/n smiled.

"Sorry, i'm still working on it." I smiled and y/n laughed.

When y/n and I got back to my apartment, she took her suitcase in my room and started to unpack all of her stuff. She was staying for about two weeks so she had a lot of stuff.

I looked at all her clothes as she put them in some drawers in my room. Her style was so hot and amazing. She pulled out a couple books and set them on the dresser. Heartstopper and Big Magic.

I looked at y/n and let out a small giggle when I heard her yawn. "You wanna take a nap? You must be extremely tired after your long flight."

y/n nodded as she kicked off her shoes. "Yeah, i'm really tired."

I took off my shoes and laid down in my bed as she laid down on her side next to me. I pulled the covers over us both and pecked her on the lips.

"Goodnight, beautiful." I smiled.

"Goodnight, Liv." y/n smiled at me.

I tried to take a nap but I just couldn't. My mind was filled with thoughts about y/n. In a non creepy way, I watched her as she slept. She had fallen asleep around an hour ago and she seemed to be in a deep one too.

I placed a strand of hair behind her ear and placed my hand on her jaw, stroking her cheek with my thumb. I think i'm in love.

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